Part-Time Jobs
Part-time jobs can provide significant and valuable experience. If you plan to work part-time, seek out roles on-campus or within the community that will help you further explore areas of interest related to your future as well as build your network and your skillset.- On-Campus Jobs
- Handshake (filter by location for Auburn, AL)
College of Engineering Student Leadership
Consider seeking out opportunities within the College of Engineering or elsewhere on-campus to a leadership role. Some roles are part-time jobs while others are volunteer, but each of them provides a valuable opportunity to contribute to your University and develop your own skills and competencies.
- Center for Inclusive Engineering Excellence Ambassador
- Cupola Engineering Ambassadors
- Engineering School's Council
- Engineering Recruitment Outreach Volunteer | Seeking volunteers for College of Engineering recruitment events to serve a variety of populations such as K-12 and transfer students.
- Engineering Recruitment and Scholarships Office | Seeking student workers to greet visitors, prepare information for prospective students and families, assist with events and mailing efforts. Contact Brooke Chandler.
- Engineering Student Services Tutor
- E-Team Leader
- Peer Advisor