In addition to a resume, you may develop a CV to represent your accomplishments and experiences as an academic, establishing your professional image within the field.

This document is utilized in applying for roles in academia, including faculty or professorships, but also for fellowships and grants. This may also accompany publications for conference papers, leadership roles or consulting projects. In addition, CVs are heavily utilized for research positions, both at institutes, as well as in industry.

A CV markets educational and academic backgrounds, covering areas such as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, grants, honors and awards.


As you begin developing your CV, consider the following sections:

  • Contact Information | Name, email, phone number and portfolio link
  • Education | All institutions included, articulating formalized degree program names. Also include thesis and/or dissertation content, with a brief description being optional.
  • Research Experience
  • Teaching Experience
  • Publications | Utilizing standard citation format for professional field, including the status of any publications (in review, invited or submitted for publication, etc.)
  • Presentations and Conferences
  • Professional Affiliations | student and/or professional organizations and associations membership and involvement
  • Trainings and Certifications | Workshops, symposia, certificates and/or licenses, including specific name, licensing status and date of issue
  • Honors and Awards | Academic awards such as honor societies, scholarships, grants; professional awards such as workplace awards, staff recognition, etc. This may include both undergraduate and graduate level accomplishments
  • References


Suggested length: 2-5 pages, but adaptable based on amount of experience and use. Sections are organized in reverse chronological order.