The Samuel Ginn College of Engineering offers a variety of options to engage with our engineering students.  All of these options are available in-person or virtually.  If you have another way you would prefer to engage, let us know, and we will work with you to customize your experience.

Engagement Opportunities

Employer-in-Residence  |  This is your opportunity to impart wisdom to the students regarding their professional development. You may even find some great candidates in the process!

Student Organization Meetings |  Created for you to connect with discipline- or industry-specific student organizations. Our office will facilitate connecting you with the appropriate student organization(s) to meet your recruitment needs.

To request information about meeting with student organizations, please email Brooks Triplett at


Lunch and Learn | Host a small group of students for lunch and mentoring. These informal meetings are a great way to connect with students on a deeper level.

Table Talk | This is an opportunity to informally network with students and brand your organization by setting up a table (provided by our office) in the Brown-Kopel Engineering Student Achievement Center. 

Interview Room Reservation | Friday interview room reservations are for companies who have identified their list of candidates and will communicate the schedule with both the candidates and with our office.


Fall 2024 Recruitment Calendar

August 19

Classes Begin

August 26

Employer Recruitment Begins

September 17-18

Civil & Environmental + Biosystems Engineering ASCE/ASABE Career Fair

September 23-27

Career Fair and Interview Week

October 1

Aerospace Industry Day

October 10-11

Fall Break

October 16

Biotechnology Industry Day

October 18

Table Talks Only Encouraged After This Date

December 6

Classes End

December 9-13

Final Exams

December 14
