Explore the possibilities! You can design your own career by building your way there. Check out student stories, sample job titles, average starting salaries, sample hiring companies, and more from each of the college's undergraduate academic programs.


The Office of Career Development and Corporate Relations offers trustworthy, customized guidance for each stage of your journey. Whether it is choosing your major, finding an internship, or prepping for that first interview, we’re here to guide you as you discover, develop, and launch a purposeful career.

  • Meet with an Engineering Career Coach early in the fall semester to refine your customized resume, gear up for your job search, and continue practicing and refining interview skills.
  • Update LinkedIn and Handshake accounts to reflect the most up-to-date and consistent information regarding your experiences, accomplishments, and skill development.
  • Attend the Engineering Career Fair and participate in on-campus interviews.
  • Begin making plans to transition from college to career.
    • Contact professionals at your future workplace to learn about the area and company culture.
    • Research the cost of living in the location of your future workplace and create an estimated budget.
    • Begin to explore topics important for your adulthood life such as retirement savings, renters insurance, and student loan payments.
    • Consider ways you want to serve your future community or give back to Auburn with your time and talents.
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