Job Shadow

Observe a professional in a job of interest to you perform their daily routines in the work environment. This experience is usually short, consisting of one day to one week. Initiate your own shadowing experience any time of year with a personal contact, alum, or employer.

Schedule to meet with an Engineering Career Coach for support with your approach to contacting professionals.



Learn, grow, and contribute to projects that are meaningful and motivating to you.

Prestigious Scholarships

Through the National Prestigious Scholarships Program in the Honors College, students from any academic discipline mentorship and support for the prestigious scholarship application process. These awards will not only help fund your advanced undergraduate or graduate studies, but raise your visibility among academic peers.

Apply for national prestigious scholarships such as

  • Udall Foundation Scholarship for students interested in conservation and environmental issues

  • Barry M Goldwater Scholarships | an undergraduate STEM scholarship

  • Astronaut Scholarship Foundation | funding for students in sciences and engineering

  • RISE - DAAD Scholarship  | offers summer research internships in Germany

  • SMART - DoD Program  |  an opportunity to receive a full scholarship, DoD internship experience, and guaranteed civilian employment upon degree completion
    >> Student Story | Lila Saunders