Career Development and Corporate Relations
Brown Kopel Engineering Student Achievement Center
Suite 1133
152 Wilmore Drive
Auburn, AL 36849
Auburn University Campus Career Closet
Office of Career Discovery and Success
Mary Martin Hall, 3rd Floor
Access Monday - Friday by appointment. Reserve an appointment via Handshake.
Auburn University Headshot Photo Booth
Mell Classroom Building / Library outside Room 2150
Mon - Fri | 7:45 AM - 4:45 PM
Operating Hours
Monday - Friday
7:45 AM - 4:45 PM
Drop-in Career Coaching
No appointment needed. First come, first served!
Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10 AM - 4 PM
January 7 - April 30
Scheduled Career Coaching Appointments
By appointment, during operating hours
Reserve via Handshake
Select from topics below. Not sure which topic applies? Select Career Decisions and we can cover the thoughts and questions on your mind!
- Career Decisions
- Career Fair + Interview Prep
- Co-op + Internship Search
- Co-op + Internship Mock Interview
- Cover Letter Assistance
- Full-time Job Search
- Full-time Job Offer + Salary Negotiation
- Full-time Mock Interviews
- Graduate School Prep
- LinkedIn + Personal Branding
- Major + Career Exploration
- Navigating Crucial Conversations at Work
- Navigating Engineering Co-op + Internship Offers
- Navigating Undergraduate Research
- Resume Assistance
Group Career Coaching Appointments
- Career Fair Prep + Personal Introductions
- LinkedIn + Professional Communication
- Interview Strategies
Register here: www.aub.ie/CDCRgroups
Events, Programs, and Group Coaching
Times and locations vary. Find details on the Career Events Calendar.