LinkedIn Profile Checklist

LinkedIn is the social media platform most commonly used to establish and engage with industry contacts and potential employers. Developing your personal brand to further professional growth toward your career aspirations requires a concise, yet authentic and representative online presence.

Complete the Profile Checklist below to help get started on your LinkedIn profile!


The CDCR schedules free professional headshot photo sessions in each fall and spring semester. Check out our events to mark your calendar for the next session!

You can get your professional headshot taken at the Auburn University bookstore in the Haley Center for free using a headshot photo booth anytime the bookstore is open.

In the mean time, if you do not have a professional photograph, just take a picture with your cell phone using the following guidelines:

  • Well-lit, daytime photo. No shadows.
  • Face forward, making sure your full face is showing. No coverings or sunglasses or hair over your eyes.
  • Do not use a full-body shot or photo showing below the center of your chest.
  • Wear professional or business casual attire
  • No props, other people, objects, or pets in the photo with you
  • Use a blank background or plain solid scenery. No activity shots or recreational photos.
  • Be sure to smile or smise (smile using your eyes) but do not make an overly exaggerated facial expression.


Make this a short and simple phrase that tells who you are and what fuels you. For example,
"Mechanical Engineering Student and Sustainability Advocate"

Hint | This text in this section is heavily used to help you appear in LinkedIn searches

You can indicate "Full-Time Undergraduate Student" or "Software Engineering Undergraduate Student".


Select an area of interest(s)


Complete all sections.

  • School | Include all secondary and colleges attended
  • Degree | List degree(s) earned or currently in-progress
  • Field of Study | Describe your major(s) and minor(s), as well as any potential areas of study, research, or exploration
  • Start date
  • End date | This does not need to be exact, a target end date is fine.
  • Activities and societies

Location | List Auburn, AL or your hometown. If you are conducting a full-time job search and know you are seeking to locate to a particular city, you can list that location.


Summarize who you are, what you are doing, and your purpose. Unlike a formal resume, it is fine to use 1st person voice.


"I'm a 3rd year Mechanical Engineering student at Auburn University looking for a summer internship that will allow me to make an impact on creating sustainable materials for our environment.

Innovation gives me energy and I'm motivated by challenging adventures that will lead to career advancement within various industries including automotive, construction, and technology.

As an active member of the American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME), I've shaped my leadership, teamwork, and communication skills. I am most proud of contributing to the growth of our local membership by implementing inclusion activities on campus.

For more insight about how my classes and experiences are preparing me to make a difference, I can be contacted directly at [AU email address].

Need help developing your summary?


Add the skills you've gained while in college. This should include skills developed in and outside of the classroom, both directly and indirectly related to your academic or career interest.

Pro Tip | Not sure what to include? Check out the profiles of other professionals who have a similar background. They may have skills listed that help you recall your own!


Be sure to join some student organizations while at Auburn! You don't need to join 15 of them, but deeply commit to one or more where you can genuinely and meaningfully invest your time.

This is where you can describe what you did with each organization and how you contributed to each.


List all of the honors and awards you have received since starting college.


Whether you are a team leader or group member, list all of the projects you participated in and the accomplishments. These could include projects from a class, competition, personal project, or others.


List all of your volunteer experiences here. Just because you were not paid for a job does not mean it is not meaningful!

Request connections from people you know - professors, advisors, former teachers, coaches, classmates, family friends. You can also request connections from people you would like to know, but make sure to send a note with your request introducing yourself and indicating your reason for seeking to connect.

Be sure to focus on the quality of your connections. An example of a quality connection is anyone who is a classmate or alumnus you've met or want to have a conversation with.

It is important to start making meaningful connections now and graduation, organically grow your quantity over the years throughout your career journey.



Need a professional headshot photo? We've got you covered!

Engineering Professional Headshot Photos | Scheduled once per semester over 2 days. Drop-by, no appointment needed! Check the Engineering Events calendar for dates.

Headshot Photo Booth | Located in the Auburn Bookstore. Drop-in Monday - Friday during bookstore hours.