Cooperative Education Program
Program Overview
The Cooperative Education Program (Co-op) at Auburn University, facilitated by the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering Office of Career Development and Corporate Relations ( Engineering CDCR), is an academic program designed to provide professional, career-related experienced-based learning through paid employment for students for a minimum of three alternating semesters with the same employer, which can include up to two summer semesters (for engineering majors).
The program should provide applied experience and training that complements the academic curriculum and meets both the students’ educational and career goals as well as the employers’ workforce needs.
Program Requirements
Students who participate in the Co-op Program must meet the following requirements throughout their entire Co-op experience:
- Maintain a 2.5 institutional cumulative GPA throughout all work and school rotations
- Be declared in-major prior to the first work term (Engineering majors)
The Engineering CDCR Team monitors student progress to maintain requirements and notifies students and employers of any status changes at the end of each academic semester, once final grades are reported by Auburn University.
We recommend that students do not take coursework during their work semesters.
The Co-op Program is a collaborative partnership between employers, students and the institution. Below are the responsibilities of each entity.
- Provide a detailed job description to the university through Handshake regarding the experience the student(s) will receive during the term. Consider including information on the progression of responsibilities throughout the three terms.
- If student information is needed regarding student’s academic curriculum, GPA, etc., employer should request that the student provide unofficial transcript.
- Select students through compliance with Equal Employment Opportunities
- Provide selected student(s) with a written job offer regarding the position. Outline start and end date, salary, anticipated hours to be worked, expectations, contingencies and information regarding transportation, housing stipends, work location, etc. This written offer is a contractual agreement between your company, the student and the university.
- Ensure international students who require work authorization through Curricular Practical Training (CPT), have connected with International Students and Scholar Services prior to their work term.
- Students are required to report their Co-op through the Co-op Reporting Form. Students will need their offer letter upon reporting.
Work Term
- Provide student(s) with proper training, which includes orientation to mission, values, policies and procedures, student(s) responsibilities and roles, job-appropriate safety training and practices including worker’s compensation policies, and harassment and misconduct policies and reporting procedures.
- Provide work assignments related to the student’s academic curriculum with specific goals and learning objectives.
- Provide a meaningful supervisory experience for the student(s), communicating clearly and regularly throughout regarding student’s performance and completing and discussing Auburn University’s required evaluation (provided by the student) at the end of the term.
- Provide student(s) the opportunity to give feedback through an exit interview.
- Provide student(s) with timely notification of eligibility for return assignments with suitable time for the student(s) to respond.
Performance Concerns and Early Termination
- Report any concerns regarding student performance/progress such as absences, failure to adhere to policies and procedures, inappropriate behavior, etc. to Engineering CDCR.
- Should the employer not wish to retain a student for three terms due to performance issues, it is expected that the employer will submit documentation to the Office of Career Development and Corporate Relations that indicates the student will not return.
Tips for Success
- Work with students to make them feel like they are part of the team and community at your company.
- Incorporate meetings and exposure with senior leadership to build essential and technical skills.
- Have students present their projects to management for leadership experience.
- Incorporate a 3rd semester or capstone project in their last working rotation.
- Incorporate professional development and skills training into students’ work life.
- Provide excellent supervision and mentoring throughout work rotations.
- Provide a structured work experience, which will most likely lead to higher performance.
CDCR Contacts for Employers
Apryl Mullins, Assistant Director, Corporate Relations, 334-844-2578 or
Teresa Jernigan, Academic Program Coordinator, 334-844-5410 or
For the student to be eligible for the Co-op Program, the student must adhere to the following:
- Be a full-time, degree-seeking student and maintain a 2.5 institutional cumulative GPA for all work-school rotations.
- Be eligible to seek legal employment in the United States or satisfy requirements with Curricular Practical Training (CPT) temporary employment authorization in consultation with International Student Scholar Services.
- Be in-major (engineering majors) before beginning first Co-op term.
Program Requirements
- Sign and return the Co-op Work Plan prior to the first Co-op work term (for engineering students).
- If coursework is needed during the work semester, you must have academic advisor approval and have the course(s) included on your work plan. It is recommended that no more than five credit hours are taken during a work semester.
- Report your co-op through the Co-op Reporting Form.
- Enroll in COOP 4910, 4920, or 4930 during work rotations. Students in work rotations do not pay tuition. There is a $100 course fee that will be incurred during the second term.
- Work for the same employer for at least three semesters.
- Complete required assignments during the work term which include a work information survey at the beginning of the semester, a check-in survey mid-semester, and a SkillSurvey at the end of the semester to receive a satisfactory grade in the course. All courses are graded S/U.
- Adhere to employer policies and procedures and follow safety rules.
- Work for the assigned period of time established by the employer in the offer letter and in accordance with Auburn University’s academic calendar unless special arrangements have been made with your employer. Under no circumstances will special arrangements be allowed to permit late arrival on campus after the first day of classes for scheduled school semesters.
Performance Concerns and Early Termination
- Should any extenuating circumstances or changes affect your co-op employment, you must notify your employer and submit documentation to Engineering CDCR.
- If you do not meet the performance expectations of the employer, your work assignment may be discontinued, and you will receive an unsatisfactory grade for the course.
Co-op Completion
- Upon completion of three work semesters, you will be eligible to receive a Co-op diploma, padfolio, and honor cord. Engineering CDCR will contact you in the semester you are graduating to confirm.
CDCR Contacts for Students
Marissa Miller, Assistant Director, Career Coaching and Programs, 334-844-2272 or
Interest and Search
- Conduct student interest meetings.
- Provide coaching and career readiness programming to students to discuss search process and support students throughout the work terms.
- Work with students and advisors to discuss Co-op Work Plan and ensure students meet minimum program requirements to participate (for engineering majors).
- To verify eligiblity, send Co-op Application to eligible students and create and distribute Co-op Work Plan for academic advisor approval.
- Assist employers with adding job descriptions to Handshake and setting up interview schedules.
- Promote job opportunities to students.
After Acceptance and Throughout Work Terms
- After student accepts position and reports their co-op, verify offer letter and send information regarding registering for class, scholarships, dining program holds, athletics, and student send-off.
- Ensure all students participating are enrolled in the COOP 4910, 4920, or 4930 courses.
- Facilitate communication between students and employers when necessary, including helping navigate specific issues related to workplace environment.
- Send survey assignments to students during their work terms and evaluate outcomes.
- Verify academic progress during program and track student progress through graduation.
- Communicate with students who have completed the program regarding graduation, and purchase and distribute Co-op diplomas, padfolios and cords.
Summer 2024 (12 weeks)
Report to Work Monday, May 6
Evaluations Due Wednesday, July 24
Work Term Ends Friday, August 2
Fall 2024 (20 weeks)
Report to Work Monday, August 5
Evaluations Due Wednesday, December 4
Work Term Ends Friday, December 20
Spring 2025 (20 weeks)
Report to Work Monday, January 6
Evaluations Due Wednesday, May 7
Work Term Ends Friday, May 23
Summer 2025 (12 weeks)
Report to Work Monday, May 5
Evaluations Due Wednesday, July 23
Work Term Ends Friday, August 1
Fall 2025 (20 weeks)
Report to Work Monday, August 4
Evaluations Due Wednesday, December 10
Work Term Ends Friday, December 19
Students participate in a 3-semester rotation (typically a Fall, Spring, and Summer semester) to get a full year of experience (52 weeks) prior to graduation.
Co-op Salaries by Major (Spring 2024-Fall 2024)
Major |
Average |
Count |
Aerospace Engineering |
$20.26 |
6 |
Biosystems Engineering |
$21.17 |
2* |
Chemical Engineering |
$23.42 |
8 |
Civil Engineering |
$19.83 |
12 |
Computer Engineering |
$20.75 |
2* |
Computer Science |
$17.31 |
11 |
Electrical Engineering |
$22.90 |
10 |
Industrial Engineering |
$21.16 |
11 |
Mechanical Engineering |
$21.28 |
23 |
Software Engineering |
$18.29 |
8 |
Overall |
$20.63 |
93 |
* - Insufficient Data
Major |
Average |
Count |
Aerospace Engineering |
$20.48 |
25 |
Biosystems Engineering |
$21.84 |
4 |
Chemical Engineering |
$25.37 |
33 |
Civil Engineering |
$21.02 |
36 |
Computer Engineering |
$21.13 |
5 |
Computer Science |
$18.50 |
34 |
Electrical Engineering |
$23.32 |
33 |
Industrial Engineering |
$21.70 |
29 |
Mechanical Engineering |
$22.25 |
69 |
Software Engineering |
$19.69 |
31 |
Overall |
$21.53 |
299 |
* - Insufficient Data
Major |
Average |
Count |
Aerospace Engineering |
$19.93 |
3 |
Biosystems Engineering |
$22.51 |
2* |
Chemical Engineering |
$24.29 |
11 |
Civil Engineering |
$21.13 |
12 |
Computer Engineering |
$20.63 |
2* |
Computer Science |
$18.44 |
9 |
Electrical Engineering |
$23.93 |
7 |
Industrial Engineering |
$21.67 |
7 |
Mechanical Engineering |
$22.37 |
24 |
Software Engineering |
$20.05 |
12 |
Overall |
$21.68 |
89 |
* - Insufficient Data
Major |
Average |
Count |
Aerospace Engineering |
$21.25 |
16 |
Biosystems Engineering |
* |
* |
Chemical Engineering |
$28.41 |
14 |
Civil Engineering |
$22.10 |
12 |
Computer Engineering |
$22.00 |
1* |
Computer Science |
$19.75 |
14 |
Electrical Engineering |
$23.14 |
16 |
Industrial Engineering |
$22.28 |
11 |
Mechanical Engineering |
$23.09 |
22 |
Software Engineering |
$20.73 |
11 |
Overall |
$22.67 |
117 |
* - Insufficient Data
Housing Information
69% of co-op students either receive a housing stipend or have housing provided by their co-op employer.
Average monthly housing stipend received: $868.33
Engineering Internship Program
Internships in Auburn Engineering are designed to provide professional, career-related experienced-based learning through paid employment for students for one semester. Students must maintain good academic standing per Auburn University's policy (GPA of 2.0 or higher) to enroll in the Engineering Internship Program.
Internships are typically 10 – 12 weeks and can take place any semester.
- Internships may be part-time or full-time.
- Students can intern as early as the summer after their freshman year.
- Students must be in Good Academic Standing according to university policies.
The CDCR supports the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) standards on internships. These standards state that internships need to meet specific criteria to ensure compliance with the United States Department of Labor and Fair Labor and Standards Act (FLSA).
Engineering Internships are a collaborative partnership between employers, students and the institution. Below are the responsibilities of each entity.
- Provide a detailed job description to the university through Handshake regarding the experience the student(s) will receive during the term.
- If student information is needed regarding student’s academic curriculum, GPA, etc., employer should request that the student provide unofficial transcript.
- Select students through compliance with Equal Employment Opportunities
- Provide selected student(s) with a written job offer regarding the position. Outline start and end date, salary, anticipated hours to be worked, expectations, contingencies and information regarding transportation, housing stipends, work location, etc.
- Ensure students who are participating with an internship through CPT have connected with International Students and Scholar Services prior to their work term.
- Students must report their internship through the Engineering Internship Reporting Form. Students will need their offer letter when reporting.
- To be active in the Engineering Internship Program, students must enroll in the Engineering Internship course, ENGR 3920 (Undergraduate) or 7920 (Graduate). They will enroll for the semester in which they will be completing their internship. The course is a 0-credit hour, $0-fee course that documents their internship on their transcript. Students who complete two or more internships will receive a padfolio the term following their second internship.
Work Term
- Provide student(s) with proper training, which includes orientation to mission, values, policies and procedures, student(s) responsibilities and roles, job-appropriate safety training and practices including worker’s compensation policies, and harassment and misconduct policies and reporting procedures.
- Provide work assignments related to the student’s academic curriculum with specific goals and learning objectives.
- Provide a meaningful supervisory experience for the student(s), communicating clearly and regularly throughout regarding student’s performance and completing and discussing Auburn University’s required SkillSurvey evaluation (provided by the student) at the end of the term.
Tips for Success
- Work with students to make them feel like they are part of the team and community at your company.
- Incorporate meetings and exposure with senior leadership to build essential and technical skills.
- Have students present their projects to management for leadership experience.
- Incorporate professional development and skills training into students’ work life.
- Provide excellent supervision and mentoring throughout term.
- Provide a structured work experience, which will most likely lead to higher performance.
CDCR Contacts for Employers
Apryl Mullins, Assistant Director, Corporate Relations, 334-844-2578 or
Teresa Jernigan, Academic Program Coordinator, 334-844-5410 or
Student Responsibilities
- To participate in the Engineering Internship Program, report your internship through Report your Internship. Students will need their offer letter when reporting.
- Enroll in the Engineering Internship Course, ENGR 3920 (UG) or 7920 (GR). Enroll for the semester in which you will be completing your internship - fall, spring, or summer. ENGR 3920 is a 0-credit hour, $0-fee course that documents your internship experience on your transcript.
- Complete required assignments during the work term which include a work information survey at the beginning of the semester, a check-in survey mid-semester, and a SkillSurvey at the end of the semester to receive a satisfactory grade in the course.
- Adhere to employer policies and procedures and follow safety rules.
- Work for the assigned period of time established by the employer in the offer letter and in accordance with Auburn University’s academic calendar unless special arrangements have been made with your employer. Under no circumstances will special arrangements be allowed to permit late arrival on campus after the first day of classes for scheduled school semesters.
Benefits of ENGR 3920 and 7920
- Maintains your enrollment as a student and connection with the University while at work
- Allows you to request placing your scholarships on hold and dining plans can be removed while you are at work
- Allows you to receive structured feedback on job performance and guidance to convey performance strengths on your resume using the SkillSurvey Career Readiness competencies
- Provides you with access to ENGR 3920 Canvas course providing resources for your internship experience
Topics Covered in ENGR 3920 and 7920
- Job onboarding documents and materials
- How to network, leverage your work experience, and make the most of your internship
- Positive work habits
- Resources for personal and career development
- Strategies for the transition between work and school
- How to respond to inappropriate interactions or experiences in a workplace setting
CDCR Contacts for Students
Marissa Miller, Assistant Director, Career Coaching and Programs, 334-844-2272 or
Interest and Search
- Provide coaching and career readiness programming to students to discuss search process and support students throughout the internship.
- Assist employers with adding job descriptions to Handshake and setting up interview schedules.
- Promote job opportunities to students.
After Acceptance and Throughout Internship
- After student accepts position and reports their internship position, verify offer letter and send information regarding registering for class, scholarships, dining program holds, athletics, and student send-off.
- Ensure all students participating are enrolled in ENGR 3920 (UG) or 7920 (GR).
- Facilitate communication between students and employers when necessary, including helping navigate specific issues related to workplace environment.
- Send survey assignments to students during their internship and evaluate outcomes.