Chemical Engineering Internship Story: L'Oreal


Jessica Brouillette

Chemical Engineering

What company did you intern with and where are they located?

I interned with L’Oréal USA in Florence Kentucky.

How did you identify and apply for your internship? Are there any specific resources you used to find the opportunity (i.e. Handshake, career fairs, other recruitment events)?

I applied for the Summer Operations 2023 Internship because they accepted any engineering major. I utilized the CDCR to aid in resume critiques and mock interviews to practice for my important interview.

What was the application process like?

After filling out an application on the L’Oréal website, they will email you if you gained acceptance to next steps. Then, L’Oréal hosts many L’Oréality days in the fall where you have an individual presentation about a personal achievement and group presentation about a case study for around 2-3 hours in total. Lastly, L’Oréal will schedule you for an one-to-one interview for a final decision on your acceptance.

Tell us about your internship experience. What types of tasks and projects did you engage in? Was there a particular project or part of the experience you learned the most from?

I was assigned as a Quality Intern for the manufacturing plant. When lines would have constant issues, I aided in solving various projects to speed up and prevent these hygienic issues from occurring. I learned the most from conversations and networking with my coworkers to understand their day-to-day roles and what they value most at L’Oréal.

In what ways did this internship help you prepare for your next destination after Auburn?

This internship allowed me to gain insight on the industry aspect of my major. I thoroughly enjoyed gaining some work experience while also applying the concepts I learn at school for what could be a possible career.

In what ways did your coursework or other experiences at Auburn prepare you for your internships? Are there specific topics or skills you learned from classes that you put into practice on the job?

Overall, Auburn Chemical Engineering has allowed me to approach problems and create algorithms to solve them. I used these skills extensively when trying to solve my various projects with the help from coworkers and fellow interns as well.

Do you have any advice for other students looking for internships like yours?

For this particular internship, you do have to wait until your Junior year to apply because they are looking for full time positions after! Don’t be afraid to use the resources that Auburn has when looking for an internship, and definitely apply to companies you like even if they cannot come to the Career Fair!