Computer Engineering Co-op Story: Neptune Technology Group


Jagger Lynn

Computer Engineering

What company did you intern with and where are they located?

Neptune Technology Group. Tallassee, Al

How did you identify and apply for your internship? Are there any specific resources you used to find the opportunity (i.e. Handshake, career fairs, other recruitment events)?

I used handshake to look for companies that I was interested in and then I went to the career fair to meet their reps and get more info on them. I also talked to my career coach, Jane Kim, and got her advice on all these companies.

What was the application process like?

The application process was very straightforward. I used handshake to sign up for interviews with all of the companies I liked. Then I updated my resume with my career coach and got copies printed to give to reps at the career fair. After this, I showed up to all of my interviews and waited for calls/emails back.

Tell us about your internship experience. What types of tasks and projects did you engage in? Was there a particular project or part of the experience you learned the most from?

I had an extraordinary experience with Neptune Technology Group. The amount of practical experience I got was incredible. I engaged in multiple very high priority projects and produced products that were actually being used by the company. One such example being the antenna test fixture I got to work on. Another co-op and I worked with one of the mechanical engineers to build a test fixture for all of the antennas going through our main production line to be tested before being shipped out. This was a very cool project where I got to participate in cross-disciplinary work and make something that was impacting the company on a large level. This, among other fascinating projects taught me so much about real electrical and even mechanical engineering work.

In what ways did this internship help you prepare for your next destination after Auburn?

This experience greatly prepared me for work after Auburn in not only my competency of electrical and computer engineering, but also my confidence. It was already intimidating to go into this job as an undergrad knowing nothing, so I can't imagine how I'd feel going into a real job without this experience. Everyone was so friendly and always eager to answer questions and teach me something new. I now feel that going into a full time job after college won't be so daunting because of the work experience that I already have under my belt.

In what ways did your coursework or other experiences at Auburn prepare you for your internships? Are there specific topics or skills you learned from classes that you put into practice on the job?

The most important thing that you'll take away from your coursework at Auburn is problem solving skills. It is important to be able to do basic math, understand physics, and be able to read relevant charts, but the ability to work through different problems in creative ways is the most important. Tackling something from different angles when one option doesn't work is the best way to approach problems at work, just as you would in school.

Do you have any advice for other students looking for internships like yours?

Go for it. I think that co-oping or interning somewhere is an experience that every engineer should have before graduation. The skills you learn are so different and incredibly useful from the ones you learn in class. Work experience makes your resume look great and you become a more skilled individual. Don 't worry about graduating late, you're going to work the rest of your life. The experience will be worth it!