Electrical Engineering Co-Op Story: Georgia Power

On the job photo On the job photo

 Jesus Ruelas Barragan

Electrical Engineering

What company or organization did you co-op with and where are they located?

Georgia Power, West & Central GA

Tell us about your co-op experience. What types of tasks and projects did you engage in? Was there a particular project or part of the experience you learned the most from?

My Protection & Control Field Service Engineer co-op experience thus far has been completely different from my first rotation as I am now in a new location and different role from my first rotation. My P&CFS second co-op rotation in short comes down to being a test engineer and project manager within substations across West Central Georgia. I came into this role running and have already been involved in many projects including wire testing, firmware upgrades, troubleshooting alarms, and a substation rebuild project that is ongoing. I have learned a lot about the utility industry that sparks my passion as an Electrical Engineering major.

In what ways did your co-op experience help you prepare for your next destination after Auburn?

As a first-generation college student, I am grateful for this co-op opportunity to understand an engineer’s role outside of the classroom better, but most importantly I have found an industry where I would like to continue my engineering career after I graduate.

As Chief of Staff for Students of Southern Company I will oversee planning for student volunteer and social events for almost 150 co-op and interns spread out across Southern Company with a focus on Atlanta, GA. I am honored to serve on this executive board as it was this very organization that helped me navigate my first co-op rotation within Power Deliver at Manchester, GA. Through SoSC I was able to meet other co-op and interns in my very position and in other roles I did not even imagine existed within Georgia Power. It was through SoSC social events that I was able to navigate into the position I am in today.