Why participate in a co-op or internship?

  • Gain knowledge of the industry – gain hands-on experience in a professional setting.
  • Explore your career path – these experiences can help you confirm your interests or discover new ones.
  • Build your resume – a strong resume can help you obtain and approach interviews in a positive and confident manner.
  • Develop new skills - learn new skills and apply what you've learned in the classroom in a practical way.
  • Make connections - meet professionals in your field and start building your professional network.


Auburn University Co-op Program + Engineering Internship Program

COOPERATIVE EDUCATION (CO-OP) is a planned and supervised program that alternates semesters of full-time college classroom instruction with 3 semesters of full-time paid employment. The work assignments are closely related to your academic program and are designed to prepare you for your professional career by combining your academic training with practical work experience.
  • Students must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher institutional cumulative GPA to enroll in the Engineering Co-op Program, for all work-school rotations.
  • You must be declared in-major status prior to first work term, with an approved Co-op Work Plan by your academic advisor.
  • Three-semester commitment with the same company and co-op experiences are always paid.
  • Co-op takes place year-round and students gain up to one year of experience and is a full-time work experience.
  • Co-op students have the opportunity to develop an in-depth skillset and manage their own projects during their work terms.
  • Companies give more responsibility to co-op students due to the longer period of time spent at the company.
  • Co-op students receive priority registration status and are able to register each semester during the early registration period for priority students.
  • Students do not pay tuition during co-op work semesters and are enrolled in a 0-credit, $0 fee course to maintain student status.This course is graded S/U.
INTERNSHIPS are one-semester professional work experiences that offer meaningful, practical work related to your field of study or career interest.
  • Students must maintain good academic standing per Auburn University's policy (GPA of 2.0 or higher) to enroll in the Engineering Internship Program.
  • One semester commitment.
  • Internships typically take place only during the summer semester or 10-12 weeks but can happen during fall and spring semesters as well.
  • Internships may be part-time or full-time.
  • Internships allow students to spend time at different companies.
  • Students can intern as early as the summer after their freshman year.
  • Students do not pay tuition during internships and are enrolled in a 0-credit, $0 fee course to maintain student status. This course is graded S/U.


As you pursue a co-op or internship work experience, you can follow this three-step process: Interest, Search + Secure and Report + Enroll.


Interested in learning more about a co-op or internship?

These 50-minute sessions are designed for students considering pursuing an engineering co-op or internship. Co-op + Internship Ambassadors along with a CDCR staff member discuss the benefits of gaining work experience, compare co-op and internship experiences, review eligibility requirements, and share important resources + next steps. Meetings take place Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 4pm during the first half of the semester. Visit our event calendar for more details and for students to register.


Ready to begin your search for your next work experience?

Visualize your potential co-op work rotations!

In order to be approved for the Co-op Program, you are required to receive approval regarding your work and school rotations. This document outlines alternating co-op work semesters and school semesters and is approved by your academic advisor. The Engineering CDCR Career Coaching Team develops and distributes your Co-op Work Plan and then receives this upon approval. You will also receive notifications during the process.

Recruiting Timeline

Internship application deadlines vary, often depending on specific industry areas and organization types. It is best to identify potential organizations of interest early in the fall semester to determine where the deadline might fall and proceed accordingly.

This timeline outlines a typical on-campus recruiting schedule for each academic year.

Aug - Oct: Recruiting and INverviewing, Nov - Dec: Confirming decisions and making offfers, Jan - Feb: Recruiting, Mar - Apr: Confirming decisions and making offers, June: Start full-time or internship role, Typically Larger Companies Recruit in the fall while smaller companies recruit in the spring
Early September

Recruitment activity begins


Peak volume for on-campus recruiting events


High-volume on-campus recruiting activity continues


Reduced on-campus recruiting activity


No on-campus recruiting activities

January - February

High volume for on-campus recruiting events

March - April

On-campus recruiting continues, typically for "just-in-time" hiring

Group Photo - Wide

Co-op + Internship Ambassadors are a group of student leaders devoted to outreach and programming to increase awareness of the Co-op + Internship Program and encourage undergraduate participation. Co-op + Internship Ambassadors are upperclassmen who have successfully completed at least one co-op or two internship work terms, demonstrate leadership on campus and at their respective workplaces, and want to positively impact the campus community at large. Eligible students will be invited to apply for this volunteer role in March of each year.


Interested in connecting with an ambassador to ask about their experience?

Complete the Ambassador Connections survey or email any student below. 


Below are the Spring 2025 Co-op + Internship Ambassadors.

Abigail Taylor headshot

Abigail Taylor

Software Engineering

Intern, J.B. Hunt Transportation

Anderson Lee headshot

Anderson Lee

Mechanical Engineering

Intern, Lhoist North America

Annabel Morrisard headshot

Annabel Morrisard

Chemical Engineering

Co-op, SABIC

Antonio Serrano headshot

Antonio Herrera

Mechanical Engineering

Co-op, Club Car | Internship, Tesla

Bexley Knight headshot

Bexley Knight

Industrial & Systems Engineering

Internship, STERIS | LPL Financial

Camille Daugherty headshot

Camille Daugherty

Civil Engineering

Co-op, Enercon Services

Ethan Lynde headshot

Ethan Lynde

Civil Engineering

Intern, Baxter & Woodman, Relativity Space, Stanley Consultants

Glen Stahl headshot

Glen Stahl

Materials Engineering + Industrial & Systems Engineering

Co-op, GE Appliances | Internship, Disneyland, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Griffin Collier headshot

Griffin Collier

Mechanical Engineering

Co-op, SCI Technology

Jacob Hurst headshot

Jacob Hurst

Civil Engineering

Co-op, Engineering Consulting Services

Jesvin Joseph headshot

Jesvin Joseph

Computer Engineering

Co-op, Club Car

Josh Dobelbower headshot

Josh Dobelbower

Aerospace Engineering

Co-op, Gulfstream Aerospace Company

Kralyn Thomas headshot

Kralyn Thomas

Industrial & Systems Engineering

Internship, KIA | Milliken & Co

Peyton Carr headshot

Peyton Carr

Industrial & Systems Engineering

Co-op, Johnson & Johnson

Riley Johnson headshot

Riley Johnson

Civil Engineering

Co-op, Alabama Power Company

Seth Walker headshot

Seth Walker

Chemical Engineering

Co-op, IntraMicron | Internship, ExxonMobil

Shrimayi Karanam headshot

Shrimayi Karanam

Industrial & Systems Engineering

Co-op, Johnson & Johnson | Internship, IBM

Tanner Thompson headshot

Tanner Thompson

Mechanical Engineering

Co-op, Ulliman Schutte Construction

Tate Alston headshot

Tate Alston

Aerospace Engineering

Intern, Archangel Systems Inc

Tyler Teufel headshot

Tyler Teufel

Software Engineering

Internship, LPL Financial

William Kong headshot

William Kong

Industrial & Systems Engineering

Co-op, Delta

Are you a current international student?

Please review specific information regarding Curricular Practical Training here


Join the Auburn University Co-op Program or Engineering Internship Program!

Have you secured an internship or co-op for a future semester?

Report your Experience

*A formal approved offer letter is required to submit reported work experience.

Deadline to Report:

  • Summer 2025 experiences: Friday, May 9, 2025
  • Fall 2025 experiences: Friday, August 8, 2025 

Enroll in the appropriate, affiliated course for each work term:

  • COOP 4910 | First Co-op Work Term
  • COOP 4920 | Second Co-op Work Term
  • COOP 4930 | Third Co-op Work Term
  • ENGR 3920 | Undergraduate Engineering Internship
  • ENGR 7920 | Graduate Engineering Internship

Deadline to Enroll:

  • Summer 2025 Experience: Monday, May 19, 2025
  • Fall 2025 Experience: Monday, August 18, 2025

* Engineering Internships must be reported EACH term.


To be active in the Co-op Program, students must:

  • Sign and return the Co-op Work Plan prior to the first Co-op work term (for engineering students).
  • If coursework is needed during the work semester, you must have academic advisor approval and have the course(s) included on your work plan. It is recommended that no more than five credit hours are taken during a work semester.
  • Enroll in the corresponding course (listed above). The course is a 0-credit hour, $0-fee course that documents your co-op work experience on your academic transcript. Students in work rotations do not pay tuition. There is a $100 course fee that will be incurred during the second term.
  • Work for the same employer for at least three semesters.
  • Maintain a 2.5 institutional, cumulative GPA
  • Complete required assignments during the work term which include: Work Information Survey, Check-in Survey, SkillSurvey to receive a satisfactory grade in the course. All courses are graded S/U.
  • Work for the assigned period of time established by the employer in the offer letter and in accordance with Auburn University's academic calendar unless special arrangements have been made with your employer. Under no circumstances will special arrangements be allowed to permit late arrival on campus after the first day of classes for scheduled school semesters.

To be active in the Engineering Internship Program, students must:

  • Enroll in the corresponding course (listed above). The course is a 0-credit hour, $0-fee course that documents their internship on their transcript.
  • Maintain a 2.0 institutional, cumulative GPA
  • Work for the assigned period of time established by the employer in the offer letter and in accordance with Auburn University's academic calendar unless special arrangements have been made with your employer. Under no circumstances will special arrangements be allowed to permit late arrival on campus after the first day of classes for scheduled school semesters.
  • Complete required assignments during the work term which include: Work Information Survey, Check-in Survey, SkillSurvey to receive a satisfactory grade in the course. All courses are graded S/U.


Here are resources and additional information for current students preparing to transition at work, or currently at work.




*Enrollment must happen by the 5th class day of each semester. No retroadding will take place. If you are not enrolled for the appropriate course during your work semester, you will be dropped from the Program.

As part of the S/U Grade for each of the affiliated courses above, you will be required to complete each of the following three surveys each work term:


At various points throughout your work rotation, you will receive surveys and a link to an evaluation.


At the beginning of your work term, you will receive a Work Information Survey to help provide our programs the most up-to-date information about your work experience. This brief survey asks for information such as city, state, and salary.


Around mid-term, you will receive a Check-In Survey. This survey is to check in on your work experience and for you to privately report any potential work issues to an Engineering Career Coach. Remember, you do not have to wait until this survey is sent to report an issue. 


Towards the end of each work term, you and at least one supervisor are required to complete performance evaluations on SkillSurvey. Each semester, you will receive an email with a unique link to the survey.

SkillSurvey assessment is a valuable tool that allows students to obtain feedback from multiple managers and co-workers regarding soft skill development. It was developed based on the 8 NACE Career Ready Competencies, which recruiters of college students have determined as the 8 most desired soft skills in new college graduates. Refer to this page to learn more about the Career Ready Competencies.


Here are current benefits for participating in each affiliated Program:



  • Priority registration status
  • Co-op Diploma ($15 fee) upon graduation
  • Honor cord + padfolio awarded
  • 1 year of relevant industry experience



  • Padfolio awarded after completion of 2 internships
  • Internship Program certificate
  • Relevant industry experience


Salary: Co-op + internship positions are paid positions.

Housing: Students are responsible for their own housing costs; however, some companies may offer housing stipends or provide housing for students.

Meal Plans: Students can request an exemption from meal plans for each work semester through AU Access. AU Access > My Campus > Away from Campus Dining Accommodation Request. 

For additional questions, contact Dining Services at dining@auburn.edu or 334.844.8504.

Scholarship Eligibility: During a work term, scholarships are placed on hold. Please contact the University Scholarships Office to double-check eligibility requirements. For more information, please review these scholarship FAQs.

*If you currently receive Samuel Ginn College of Engineering scholarships, please contact Jessica Taylor, Director of Engineering Recruiting and Scholarships, at dewbeja@auburn.edu

Football Tickets: All students are still eligible to purchase football tickets during a work semester. 

Spring 2025   (20 weeks)

Report to Work     Monday, January 6

Survey 1 Due       Friday, January 31

Survey 2 Due       Friday, March 21

SkillSurvey Due    Thursday, May 1

Work Term Ends    Friday, May 23


Summer 2025   (12 weeks)

Report to Work     Monday, May 12

Survey 1 Due       Friday, May 30

Survey 2 Due       Friday, June 20

SkillSurvey Due    Friday, July 25

Work Term Ends    Friday, August 8


Fall 2025 (20 weeks)

Report to Work     Monday, August 4

Survey 1 Due       Friday, August 29

Survey 2 Due       Wednesday, October 17

SkillSurvey Due    Wednesday, December 1

Work Term Ends    Friday, December 19


Spring 2026   (20 weeks)

Report to Work     Monday, January 5

Survey 1 Due       Friday, January 30

Survey 2 Due       Friday, March 20

SkillSurvey Due    Friday, May 1

Work Term Ends    Friday, May 22