Industrial & Systems Engineering Internship Story: LPL Financial


Bexley Knight

Industrial & Systems Engineering

What company did you work with and where are they located?

LPL Financial: Fort Mill, SC

How did you identify and apply for this position? Are there any specific resources you used to find the opportunity (i.e., Handshake, career fairs, other recruitment events)?

I found the company on Handshake after noticing they were attending our Spring Career Fair and then met them at the Spring 2024 ENG Career Fair.

What was the application process like?

I gave them my resume at the Career Fair and filled out an information form there as well. They followed up with me to interview and I applied for a couple of positions that they recommended for me. After a second interview with my manager, I found out that day that they wanted me for the internship.

Tell us about your experience. What types of tasks and projects did you engage in? Was there a particular project or part of the experience you learned the most from?

I worked with University Recruitment in logistics planning for their intern program. I assisted in optimizing the recruitment process and career fair strategies. Overall, all of the projects I worked on allowed me to think critically and work innovatively.

In what ways did this experience help you prepare for your next destination after Auburn?

This experience gave me insight into a completely different industry after graduation. Most people think engineering is limited to manufacturing, however, the financial service industry is growing and seeking engineers to help grow their company's technology side and improve efficiency within different processes/systems.

In what ways did your coursework or other experiences at Auburn prepare you for this experience? Are there specific topics or skills you learned from classes that you put into practice on the job?

The main objectives of my coursework helped prepare me for this internship by allowing me to think critically and independently in various situations. The multitude of ways to think about systems and how to improve various processes, allowed me to utilize this in the financial industry.

Do you have any advice for other students looking for an experience like yours?

My advice would be to go to Auburn's Fall and Spring Career Fairs. There are many employers all at your fingertips that are looking for students to Co-Op/Intern for them. I have completed two internships with two different companies, both of which I got through the Career Fair.