Career Fair Follow-Up and How to Find Company Contacts

If you recently attended a career fair, your next step is to follow up with the employers you spoke to.

Send a thank-you note indicating

  • Appreciation they took the time to speak with you
  • Something you enjoyed or learned from the conversation
  • The action you plan to take or completed based on your conversations

Keep your message short -- under 100 words. Attach your resume for reference.

Hint: Keep contact information you collected from the company representative in an organized place so you can refer back to it in the future.


Dear Mr. / Ms. [ Name ],

It was a pleasure to meet you at the Auburn University Samuel Ginn College of Engineering this week. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about your company’s vision for [ what company is working on ]. I really enjoyed learning [ something you learned from conversation ] and am excited about the ways  [ developing or new ] engineers can contribute to this effort.

Per our conversation, I explored the position openings you indicated are available and look forward to submitting my materials in the coming days.

I look forward to keeping in touch. Thanks again for your time [ yesterday / this week ].


[ Name ]


Did you write down the name of the employer you met with but forget to ask for their contact information? It is time to use your research skills. Here are 3 ways to locate a company contact:

  • Handshake I  Search the company's name in the Handshake search bar and navigate to the company's Handshake page. Search the page for the Contact List. Some companies list a general contact email and phone number, while others include a specific recruiter's name and contact information. See if there is a contact listed who matchers the person you met with.
  • CareerShift  I  A subscription-based database you have exclusive access to through Auburn University. You can search companies and view contacts within a company to access the company's employees and locate their e-mail and phone number. Review the CareerShift tutorial here.
  • LinkedIn  I  Develop a LinkedIn profile, search for your contact, and send a customized connection message. Don't have a LinkedIn account yet?
    Resources for getting started on LinkedIn
    Personal Marketing + Professional Networking Tips

    Recommend ways to search for your contact on LinkedIn:
  • Search the employer's name in the site search bar
  • Search the company name, navigate to the company's LinkedIn page, select "people" on the left menu, search the employer name