College of EngineeringDepartment of Civil and Environmental EngineeringAcademicsGraduateWelcome Graduate Students

Welcome 2024 New Graduate Students

Dear 2024 graduate students:  

Welcome to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering!  

As many of you are settling down and starting your academic career at Auburn, the department would like to invite you to attend our departmental orientation and welcome event for 2024 new graduate students (starting in the spring, summer, and fall semesters of 2024). The primary objectives of the event are:  

  1. Welcome and introduction to civil and environmental engineering (department chair)
  2. Present basics regarding starting your research and coursework
  3. Direct you to some policies and resources for future assistantships (graduate program officer)
  4. Question and answer opportunity (faculty and administrators)

Date: Thursday September 12, 2024

Location: Ramsay Hall (Room 314)

See You there!


Presentation File for 2024 Graduate Student Orientation

The Graduate School at Auburn University has set up a new website for new graduate student orientation, and much valuable information can be found by visiting the website.