College of EngineeringDepartment of Civil and Environmental EngineeringAcademicsGraduate Admission and Graduate Studies
Graduate Admission and Graduate Studies
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers graduate-level instruction and research programs leading to the degrees of Master of Civil Engineering (M.C.E.), non-thesis; Master of Science (M.S.) with thesis; and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). The objectives of these programs are to provide qualified students an opportunity for advanced training and specialization and to enable them to gain experience in conducting engineering research and in the interpretation and communication of their findings. The department offers programs in construction engineering and management, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, pavements and materials, structural engineering, transportation engineering, and water resources engineering. Coursework may be taken outside the department in supportive disciplines such as geosciences, applied statistics, building science, computer science, or mathematics.
All applicants should have a bachelor's degree in civil and/or environmental engineering or a closely related field from an institutution of recognized standing. The applicant can apply for Ph.D. program with or without a master's degree in civil and environmental engineering or a closely related field. Additional coursework may be required for applicants who lack the necessary background.
Additional course work for applicants with a degree from other specialty areas:
Additional course work may be prescribed as prerequisites upon faculty review and communicated with the student. The prerequisites must be completed before official admission to the graduate program. Qualified domestic students may be provisionally admitted, but these prerequisites must be completed within limited time frame (usually within a year) to receive official admission. Provisional admission is not available for international students. Please refer to the linked pdf files for prerequisites of graduate admission relating to the construction engineering and management , environmental engineering, water resources engineering, and structural engineering programs.
Students who are applying with non-engineering bachelors degree students are encouraged to review the NCEES Engineering Education Standard if your plan is to sit for the FE and PE exams and pursue professional licensure.
Campus visits are offered in the early spring.
For more information, please contact:
J. Brian Anderson, Ph.D., P.E.
Graduate Program Officer
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
238 Harbert Engineering Center
Auburn University, AL 36849-5337