College of EngineeringDepartment of Civil and Environmental EngineeringAcademicsAccelerated Bachelor's/Master's (ABM) Program
Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's (ABM) Program
The Civil Engineering ABM program provides an opportunity for highly motivated undergraduate students to gain a depth of understanding and experience of civil engineering beyond that of typical bachelor's level graduates. There is currently a strong demand in the industry for civil engineers with advanced degrees.
Application Process
The student needs to download and fill out the Graduate School's ABM application form and to comply with CE ABM's admission qualifications given below. Students should have completed ENGR 2070 (Mechanics of Materials), ENGR 2350 (Dynamics), and ENGR 2200 (Intro to Thermo/Fluids/Heat) before applying. It requires signatures from the undergraduate advisor, the graduate program officer, the undergraduate dean, and the graduate school.
Admission Qualifications: (1) Credit Hours Earned: Minimum 45, at Auburn 24 (no maximum limit); (2) Grade Point Average (GPA): 3.4 (overall).
Program Matriculation
Students matriculate into the accelerated program during the first semester of the senior year of the undergraduate program. They will enroll in up to 6-hour graduate CIVL courses, which will replace 6-hour Technical Electives required in the civil engineering bachelor-degree curriculum. Students should apply to the graduate program before or in the last semester of their undergraduate curriculum. A specific section of CIVL 6970 Civil Engineering Special Topics may be acceptable if approval is granted by the Graduate Program Officer (Dr. J. Brian Anderson) prior to enrolling in the course.
Student Advising
Students continue to be advised by the department's undergraduate academic advisor (Ms. Ashley Winfree). They should meet with the graduate program officer and are encouraged to meet with the graduate coordinator or major advisor of the specialty area once they have been accepted into the accelerated program.
Withdrawal Process
Students may withdraw from the program by notifying the CEE undergraduate advisor, the CEE graduate program officer (Dr. J. Brian Anderson), and the Graduate School.
Additional Information
Students may take more than 6 credit hours of graduate courses in their senior year, but only up to 6 graduate credits will replace 6 credits of Technical Electives for their bachelor's program.