There are two primary classrooms located in the Tom Corley Building, Rooms 302 and 307. These classrooms have a total of 2,201 sqft of floor space. Rooms 302, 307, and the computer lab are equipped with multimedia teaching podiums, computers, document cameras, video players, and overhead video projectors. The multimedia equipment is used for Powerpoint lectures and demonstrating various engineering software during lectures.
Student Design Studio
Students have the opportunity to study and interact with other students and faculty in the Student Design Studio. This room (318 sqft) has study and reading areas for BSEN students. The renovation of this room was to convert the once traditional reading and study room into an area where students can work together, conduct team meetings, and leave their reference material in a secure location. Renovation activities included the installation of a new whiteboard, new study carrels where students can store design project reference material, new conference tables, new comfortable chairs for reading, and a fresh coat of paint. The room is open 24 hours per day and is used heavily during all semesters.
Computer Lab

The main computing laboratory for biosystems engineering students is in Corley 314. The computer lab is one of the primary means of training students in the use of modern engineering and communication tools, to analyze critically scientific data, and to conduct engineering analysis. In 2019, the lab was expanded from 27 computer workstations (736 sqft) to 57 computer workstations (1299 sqft). The lab (Room 314) is equipped with four 80” TV monitors and a multimedia podium that can display different contents on each of the four monitors. Two video cameras in the room can project information shared on the whiteboard and document cameras, to students who are joining the class remotely. Students in all BSEN courses use this facility. There is a programmable electronic card reader door lock to ensure that only authorized users (students and faculty) have access to enter, through the central university access control office. There are an additional 5 computer workstations in the Student Design Studio Room (Corley 305) that students can use for academic work when the computer lab is being used for teaching.