The Stormwater Testing Facility has completed a variety of research projects. This page highlights recently completed and ongoing projects.

Sediment Basins

Sediment Basins Image

Sediment basins are used to temporarily detain sediment - laden stormwater prior to leaving a construction site to facilitate sediment capture. Using lessons learned from construction site sediment basin studies, the stormwater lab operates two large - scale sediment basins that allow researchers to perform controlled tests to improve and evaluate the performance of various treatments and configurations employed within a sediment basin.

Large-Scale Performance Evaluation of Various Woven Silt Fence Installations under Nebraska Highway Conditions
BG Roche, MA Perez, WN Donald, JB Whitman
Water 16 (6), 877


Efficacy of Undisturbed Vegetated Buffers in Capturing Suspended Sediment
B Roche, MA Perez, WN Donald, JB Whitman
Transportation Research Record 2677 (10), 180-190


Improving the Design and Performance of Double-Row Sediment Barriers Used During Highway Construction
JB Whitman
Transportation Research Record, 1-12


SILTspread: Performance-Based Approach for the Design and Installation of Silt Fence Sediment Barriers
L Liu, MA Perez, JB Whitman, WN Donald, WC Zech
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 147 (10), 04021041


Practical Silt Fence Design Enhancements for Effective Dewatering and Stability  
JB Whitman, MA Perez, WC Zech, WN Donald
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 147 (1), 04020039


Full-Scale Performance Evaluations of Innovative and Manufactured Sediment Barrier Practices
JB Whitman, WC Zech, WN Donald
Transportation Research Record 2673 (8), 284-297


Improvements in Small-Scale Standardized Testing of Geotextiles used in Silt Fence Applications
JB Whitman, WC Zech, WN Donald
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 47 (5), 598-609


Full-Scale Performance Evaluations of Various Wire-Backed Nonwoven Silt Fence Installation Configurations
JB Whitman, WC Zech, WN Donald, JJ LaMondia
Transportation Research Record 2672 (39), 68-78


Performance Evaluations of Three Silt Fence Practices Using a Full-Scale Testing Apparatus
RA Bugg, W Donald, W Zech, M Perez
Water 9 (7), 502


Improvements in Standardized Testing for Evaluating Sediment Barrier Performance: Design of a Full-Scale Testing Apparatus
RA Bugg, WN Donald, WC Zech, MA Perez
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 143 (8), 04017029


Field Evaluation of Silt Fence Tieback Systems at a Highway Construction Site
WC Zech, JS McDonald, TP Clement
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction 14 (3), 105-112


Evaluating the Effectiveness of Various Types of Silt Fence Installations to Control Sediment Discharge from Highway Construction Sites
WC Zech, JL Halverson, TP Clement
ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 13 (6), 497-504


Intermediate-Scale Experiments to Evaluate Silt Fence Designs to Control Sediment Discharge from Highway Construction Sites
WC Zech, JL Halverson, TP Clement
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 13 (6), 497-504


Development of Silt Fence Tieback Design Methodology for Highway Construction Installations
WC Zech, JL Halverson, TP Clement
Transportation Research Record 2011 (1), 21-28


Flocculants & Advanced Treatment

Flocculants Image

Flocculants facilitate the process of coagulation and flocculation of very fine suspended soil particles (i.e., clay and silt) when the removal rate of suspended sediment needs to be increased beyond the ability of simple gravitational sedimentation. Our researchers are evaluating best practices for the passive application of flocculants on construction sites to enhance the performance of traditional erosion and sediment control practices.  Our researchers have also evaluated the use of advanced approaches, including lamella settlers and electrocoagulation, to enhance the performance of stormwater treatment technologies.

Optimum Dosage and Product Selection Guidance for Flocculant Usage in Construction Stormwater Treatment
B Kazaz, MA Perez, WN Donald, X Fang, JN Shaw
Transportation Research Record 2677 (9), 43-57


Assessment of Polyacrylamide Concentration in Construction Stormwater Runoff Using an ASTM D6459 Rainfall Simulator
C Manning, M Perez, W Donald
Transportation Research Record 2677 (2), 1225-1237


Detection of Residual Flocculant Concentrations in Construction Stormwater Runoff
B Kazaz, MA Perez, WN Donald, X Fang, JN Shaw
Transportation Research Record 2676 (7), 222-232


Development and Evaluation of Lamella Settlers Combined with Electrocoagulation for Treating Suspended Sediment
L Liu, MA Perez
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 148 (6), 04022013


State-of-the-Practice Review on the use of Flocculants for Construction Stormwater Management in the United States
B Kazaz, MA Perez, WN Donald
Transportation Research Record 2675 (7), 248-258


Evaluation of Lamella Settlers for Treating Suspended Sediment
L Liu, MA Perez, JB Whitman
Water 12 (10), 2705


Erosion Control

Rainfall Simulators Image

The stormwater lab has 13 rainfall simulators build on 3:1 and 4:1 slopes. The simulators are built on 40 ft x 8 ft plots consisting of clay, loam, and sand soils. Rainfall simulators are used to evaluate various erosion control practices that are used to protect slopes from rainfall - induced erosion.

Comparison of Erosion Control Products Using an ASTM D6459 Rainfall Simulator: Insights and Suggestions
C Manning, B Faulkner, WN Donald, MA Perez
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 149 (8), 04023017


Soil Loss Risk Analysis for Construction Activities
B Kazaz, JC Schussler, LC Dickey, MA Perez
Transportation Research Record 2676 (6), 503-513


Evaluation of Hydromulches as an Erosion Control Measure Using Laboratory-Scale Experiments
MD Ricks, WT Wilson, WC Zech, X Fang, WN Donald
Water 12 (2), 515


Design of a Pressurized Rainfall Simulator for Evaluating Performance of Erosion Control Practices
MD Ricks, MA Horne, B Faulkner, WC Zech, X Fang, WN Donald, MA Perez
Water 11 (11), 2386


Cost Effectiveness of Erosion Control Covers During Vegetation Establishment Under Simulated Rainfall
RS Sidhu, M Dougherty, WC Zech, B Guertal
Journal of Water Resource and Protection 7 (2), 119-129


Laboratory-Scale Evaluation of Anionic Polyacrylamide as an Erosion and Sediment Control Measure on Steep-Sloped Construction Sites
A Shoemaker, WC Zech, TP Clement, T.P
Transactions of the ASABE, 55(3): 809-820



Sediment Barriers

Sediment Barriers Image

Sediment barriers are used to treat sheet flow runoff by removing sediment primarily through sedimentation and, to a lesser degree filtration. The stormwater lab has the capability of evaluating sediment barriers at full scale using a 20 ft wide test apparatus.


Large-Scale Performance Evaluation of Various Woven Silt Fence Installations under Nebraska Highway Conditions
BG Roche, MA Perez, WN Donald, JB Whitman
Water 16 (6), 877


Efficacy of Undisturbed Vegetated Buffers in Capturing Suspended Sediment
B Roche, MA Perez, WN Donald, JB Whitman
Transportation Research Record 2677 (10), 180-190


Improving the Design and Performance of Double-Row Sediment Barriers Used During Highway Construction
JB Whitman
Transportation Research Record, 1-12


SILTspread: Performance-Based Approach for the Design and Installation of Silt Fence Sediment Barriers
L Liu, MA Perez, JB Whitman, WN Donald, WC Zech
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 147 (10), 04021041


Practical Silt Fence Design Enhancements for Effective Dewatering and Stability  
JB Whitman, MA Perez, WC Zech, WN Donald
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 147 (1), 04020039


Full-Scale Performance Evaluations of Innovative and Manufactured Sediment Barrier Practices
JB Whitman, WC Zech, WN Donald
Transportation Research Record 2673 (8), 284-297


Inlet Protection

Inlet Protection Image

Storm drain inlet protection practices minimize sediment transport by temporarily impounding runoff before entering storm drain inlets, allowing suspended sediment to settle. The Stormwater Lab has two full - scale apparatuses to evaluate inlet protection practices for highway median applications and for curb and gutter applications. Evaluations have been performed to gain insight to the performance, durability, and maintenance needs of inlet protection practices. Evaluations included enhancement of installation methods for commonly employed practices. Test parameters were designed to mimic expected field conditions, allowing researchers to improve the installation of current practices and evaluate performance.

Evaluating Sediment Removal Efficiency of Catch Basin Inserts as a Post-Construction Water Quality Tool on Roadways
D Basham, W Zech, W Donald, J Whitman
Water 16 (8), 1081


Design and Construction of Full-Scale Testing Apparatus for Evaluating Performance of Catch Basin Inserts
DL Basham, WC Zech, WN Donald, MA Perez
Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 5 (1), 04018013


Installation Enhancements to Common Inlet Protection Practices Using Large-Scale Testing Techniques
MA Perez, WC Zech, WN Donald, X Fang
Transportation Research Record 2521 (1), 151-161


Methodology for Evaluating Inlet Protection Practices Using Large-Scale Testing Techniques
MA Perez, WC Zech, WN Donald, X Fang
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 20 (4), 04014049



Check Dams

Check Dams Image

Check dams are used throughout highway construction to facilitate ponding and reduce velocity within channels to minimize erosion. Proper installation is required for these practices to perform as intended. Research studies have been conducted to evaluat e the performance of various practices and to optimize installation methods to enhance performance.

Hydraulic Evaluation of Wattle Encasement Materials
JE Clampitt, MA Perez, J Blake Whitman, WN Donald, JJ LaMondia
Transportation Research Record 2677 (7), 249-264


Hydraulic Performance Evaluation of Wattles used for Erosion and Sediment Control
JB Whitman, JC Schussler, MA Perez, L Liu
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 147 (7), 04021028


Field Evaluation of Wattle and Silt Fence Ditch Checks
JC Schussler, B Kazaz, MA Perez, J Blake Whitman, B Cetin
Transportation Research Record 2675 (6), 281-293




Outreach and Technology Transfer

Sediment Basins Image

Decade of Research in Review at the Auburn University Stormwater Research Facility
JC Schussler, MA Perez, WN Donald, JB Whitman, WC Zech, X Fang, BG Fagan
Transportation Research Record 2676 (5), 590-604


Transferring Innovative Erosion and Sediment Control Research Results Into Industry Practice
MA Perez, WC Zech, WN Donald, R Turochy, BG Fagan
Water 11 (12), 2549


Design Methodology for the Selection of Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Practices Based on Regional Hydrological Conditions
MA Perez, WC Zech, WN Donald, X Fang
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 21 (4), 05016001