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College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringAcademicsUndergraduateELEC Courses4000-Level
ELEC 4000. Senior Design Projects (before Fall 2020)
(3). Lec. 3. Pr., ELEC 3040 or ELEC 3050 or ELEC 3060, and departmental approval.
A capstone design project which draws on the accumulated curricular experience. Particular project sections may have additional requisites.
ELEC 4010 Capstone Design I
(1) LEC. 1. Pr. P/C ELEC 3040 or P/C ELEC 3050 or (P/C ELEC 3030 and P/C ELEC 3060).
The engineering design process, project management and teamwork, ethical and social impacts of design projects, project documentation and presentation, business considerations, and intellectual property.
ELEC 4020 Capstone Design II
(3) LEC. 3. Pr. ELEC 4010.
A capstone design project which draws on the accumulated curricular experience. Particular project sections may have additional prerequisites. Departmental approval needed.
ELEC 4100. Wireless Communication Systems (Fall 2021)
(3) Lec. 3. Pr., ELEC 3400.
Introduction to mobile cellular radio and wireless personal communications, mobile radio propagation, modulation techniques, multiple access techniques, wireless systems and standards.
ELEC 4200. Digital System Design
(3). Lec. 2, Lab. 3. Pr. ELEC 2210, ELEC 2220.
Hierarchical, modular design of digital systems; computer-aided digital system modeling, simulation, analysis, and synthesis; design implementation with programmable logic devices and field programmable gate arrays.
ELEC 4800. Instrumentation Engineering
(3). Lec. 2, Lab. 3. Pr., ELEC 3040 or ELEC 3050.
Study and application of sensors, instrumentation, and computer technology to research and industrial process control.
ELEC 4970. Special Topics in Electrical Engineering
(1-5). Ind. Pr., departmental approval.
Course may be repeated with change in topic.
ELEC 4980. Special Projects in Electrical Engineering
(1-3). Ind. Pr., departmental approval.
Course may be repeated with change in topic.
ELEC 4997. Honors Thesis
(1-6). Ind. Pr., ELEC, ECPE, or WIRE major; membership in the Honors College; departmental approval.
Directed research and writing of honors thesis. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.