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College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringAcademicsUndergraduateELEC Courses2000-Level
ELEC 2110. Electric Circuit Analysis
(4) Lec. 3, Lab. 3. Pr., PHYS 1610, COMP 1200 or COMP 1210. Coreq., MATH 2650, ENGR 1110.
Basic laws and concepts; resistive circuits; first-order transient circuits; phasors and frequency response of circuits; RMS values and complex power. ( ELEC 2110 Laboratory Web Page)
ELEC 2120. Signals & Systems
(4) Lec. 3. Pr., ELEC 2110, MATH 2650.
Time-domain and frequency-domain methods for modeling and analyzing continuous and discrete-data signals and systems.
ELEC 2200. Digital Logic Circuits
(3) Lec. 3. Pr., COMP 1200 or COMP 1210.
Electronic devices and digital circuits; binary numbers; Boolean algebra and switching functions; gates and flip-flops; combinational and sequential logic circuits; hierarchical design of digital systems; computer-aided design tools for digital design, simulation, and testing.
ELEC 2210. Digital Electronics
(4) Lec. 3, Lab. 3. Pr., ELEC 2110, ELEC 2200.
History of electronics; semiconductors; biasing and operation of PN junction diodes; field-effect transistors and bipolar junction transistors; logic families and logic technologies; flip-flops and memory circuitry. (ELEC 2210 Laboratory Web Page) (ELEC 2210 Laboratory Lessons)
ELEC 2220. Computer Systems
(3) Lec. 3. Pr., ELEC 2200.
Computer hardware and software organization, processor programming models, data representation, assembly language programming, design of memory systems, input and output device interfacing and programming and multiprocessing.