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College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringAcademicsUndergraduateELEC Courses3000-Level
ELEC 3030. RF Systems Lab
(1) Lab. 3. Pr., ELEC 2210.
Assembly, testing and analysis of a radio. Integration of basic concepts of electronics, electromagnetics, and signals and systems.
ELEC 3040. Electrical System Design Lab
(1) Lab. 3. Pr., ELEC 2220, ELEC 3030. Coreq., ELEC 3500.
Exploration and integration of electrical engineering concepts and professional practice issues through the design of a contemporary engineering system.
ELEC 3050. Embedded System Design Lab
(1) Lab. 3. Pr., ELEC 2210 and ELEC 2220.
Integration of hardware and software in the design of an embedded computing system; development of professional skills.
ELEC 3060. Wireless Design Lab
(1) Lab. 3. Pr., ELEC 3400.
Laboratory experiments geared towards understanding the implementation and testing of components used in wireless communication systems.
ELEC 3310. Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics
(3) Lec. 3. Pr., MATH 2660, ELEC 2110.
Transmission lines are studied as a bridge to understanding electromagnetic theory. Then, electric and magnetic fields are studied using vector algebra, culminating in Maxwell's equations.
ELEC 3320. Electromagnetics for Wireless Communications
(3) Lec. 3. Pr., ELEC 3310.
Maxwell's equations are used in the study of plane waves, guided waves, fiberoptics, electromagnetic compatibility and interference, antennas and radiation, and satellite communication systems.
ELEC 3400. Communication Systems
(3) Lec. 3. Pr., ELEC 3800.
Pulse code modulation, line coding, information rate, equalization, amplitude modulation, angle modulation, noise in communication systems.
ELEC 3500. Control Systems
(3) Lec. 3. Pr., ELEC 2120.
Analog and Discrete Transfer function models, system response specifications, control system characteristics, root locus analysis and design, frequency response analysis and design.
ELEC 3600. Electric Power Engineering
(3) Lec. 3. Pr., ELEC 2110.
Introduction to the basic concepts in electric power engineering.
ELEC 3700. Analog Electronics
(3) Lec. 3. Pr., ELEC 2210 and ELEC 2120.
Amplifier modeling. Design and analysis of single-stage and multistage transistor amplifiers. Biasing for integrated circuit design. Operational amplifier circuits.
ELEC 3800. Random Signals & Systems
(3) Lec. 3. Pr., ELEC 2120.
Introduction to probability, random variables, random processes and basic statistics; analysis of random signals and noise.
ELEC 3810. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
(3) Lec. 3. Coreq., MATH 2650.
Electrical circuit analysis; electronic devices, digital systems, amplifier concepts, power devices and systems. (Not open to Electrical Engineering majors.)