The Bachelor of Chemical Engineering Program, BCHE, is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.
Information about our departmental process, rubrics, and student surveys are available from the left sidebar.
Assessment activities and curriculum activities are coordinated by the Curriculum Accreditation Planning and Action Committee (CAPAC).
To standardize the measurement of performance, the following assessment rubrics are used as appropriate points in the curriculum:
- Design project assessment rubric(used in CHEN 4470)
- Ethics, safety, society, environment assessment rubric (used in CHEN 4470)
- Written communication assessment rubric (used in CHEN 4470)
- Oral communications assessment rubric (used in CHEN 4470)
- Data analysis / experimental design assessment rubric (used in CHEN 4860)
- Other work skills assessment rubric (used in CHEN 4470)
- Unit operations laboratory assessment rubric (used in CHEN 4860)
- Technical report rubric (used in CHEN 3600)
The Department of Chemical Engineering is committed to fostering the academic achievement and personal development of its students. To carry out that commitment, the department continuously gathers information about the effectiveness of its academic programs and about the progress of its students toward education goals. This information is used to monitor program effectiveness, to recognize education trends and opportunities, and to develop a sound, factual basis for academic planning. These efforts are coordinated by the Undergraduate Program Committee (UPC) and the Curriculum and Accreditation Action and Planning Committee (CAPAC).
As per Auburn University policy, each student is expected to participate in the department's assessment efforts. These activities may include student work contributions for portfolios, achievement and proficiency exams, surveys, interviews and other evaluation forms.
Sophomore Survey
The department conducts a sophomore survey in CHEN 2100 to learn information about new students joining the department. This survey provides important information about why students are selecting chemical engineering as a major as well as helping the department better understand their academic needs and concerns. Please click on the following link to access the survey.
Junior Survey
The department conducts a junior survey in CHEN 3600 to learn information about students who have been progressing in the department. This survey provides important information about how students are performing in selected chemical engineering courses as well as their overall experiences within the department. This helps the department better understand their academic needs and concerns. Please click on the following link to access the survey.
Senior Exit Interview and Survey
During the spring semester of a student's senior year, the department chair will schedule a senior exit interview with members of the senior class. This interview allows graduating students the opportunity to reflect on their entire experience at Auburn and to make constructive observations. The interview also includes completing three senior surveys that focus on different aspects of the academic experience. Please click on the following links to access the surveys: