All students who are enrolled as pre-chemical engineering or chemical engineering majors must see their departmental advisor before they will be able to register for classes.  All students in chemical engineering are blocked from registration until they have met with their advisor.

Students will receive an email each semester informing them of the dates for advising and registration. They will be able to sign up for advising appointments online. 

Students with last names beginning A-M will see:

Jennifer Harris
Coordinator Student Services III
214 Ross Hall
334 844-2030

Students with last names beginning N-Z will see:

Laura Kincaid
Academic Advisor III
216 Ross Hall
334 844-4859 

Students in pre-chemical engineering are moved into the chemical engineering major upon meeting the following requirements:

  • Complete all pre-engineering courses
  • Earn a 2.2 overall GPA on all Auburn coursework

It is suggested that students maintain frequent contact with their academic advisor. Students are also encouraged to frequently check their university email accounts for important messages from the department, their advisor and professors. Email is the official form of communication at Auburn University. They should also check the department website.

The semester before graduation, students will be referred to Engineering Student Services in 1210 Shelby Center for their graduation credit check.