The Auburn University admissions office is responsible for administering all admissions to the Auburn University. Decisions for admission to the chemical engineering program are made in accordance with requirements prescribed by the College of Engineering.
Complete information about admission to Auburn University can be found at the following link:
Chemical Engineering Program:
The chemical engineering program leads to the Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (B.Ch.E.) degree. The first year of this program is considered to be pre-engineering (students are designated pre-chemical engineering). The remaining three years are considered to constitute the chemical engineering program. All students electing to major in chemical engineering must successfully complete the minimum College of Engineering program requirements to transfer from pre-chemical engineering to chemical engineering.
You can also address general questions about admissions to the undergraduate academic advisor:
Jennifer M. Harris
Undergraduate Academic Advisor
Department of Chemical Engineering
212 Ross Hall
Auburn University AL 36849-5127
Office: 214 Ross Hall
Phone:(334) 844-2030
Fax:(334) 844-2063