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Pursuing an advanced degree is an important step towards a rewarding, life-long career in the field of chemical engineering. The faculty of the Department of Chemical Engineering takes great pride in providing the best possible educational experience for all of our graduate students. By combining  broad fundamental understanding, as found in the core courses, with  specialized skills obtained in elective courses, the foundation for a  successful research experience is guaranteed. At each level of the graduate program experience, there is close collaboration between the students and the faculty.

Ph.D. program

The majority of research opportunities are for PhD students. Students with a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering who are interested in obtaining a PhD should apply directly to the PhD program. PhD dissertation work provides opportunities to obtain the skills necessary to define, formulate and solve novel problems and make a significant contribution to the field. Financially attractive  fellowships and assistantships, which include a  full tuition waiver and stipend, are available to doctoral students.

M.S. program

We offer a limited number of assistantships for students who wish to pursue an M.S. thesis. The department also offers opportunities for non-thesis M.S. degrees on campus and through our outreach program. The department does not provide assistantships or tuition waivers for non-thesis study. 


If you are interested in more information about the graduate program in Chemical Engineering at Auburn University, please contact the Graduate Program Chair at:

Graduate Program Officer
Chemical Engineering Department
324 Ross Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5127

Phone: (334) 844-5439
Fax: (334) 844-2063