Financial assistance is normally provided for each student who is admitted into the graduate program. Stipends are awarded in the form of a teaching assistantship, research assistantship or fellowship and students are paid monthly. In addition, all full-time graduate students also receive a tuition scholarship which covers all tuition costs. Graduate teaching assistants' duties involve assisting the faculty in the undergraduate or graduate instructional programs. The time commitment is normally four to eight hours per week. The Samuel Ginn College of Engineering also awards a number of competitive fellowships.
National Awards
Prospective students are encouraged to apply for competitive national fellowships such as the National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships. Students who receive these awards may have their stipends augmented as permitted by the donating agency in accordance with departmental policy. Any applicant from a foreign country should inquire as to the availability of financial aid from his or her government. Augmentation of stipends from these awards may be possible.