The Department of Chemical Engineering can grant provisional admission to motivated students whose undergraduate degrees are from other science, math or engineering disciplines. These students can often be an asset in our interdisciplinary research. However, chemical engineering graduate courses require significant knowledge of undergraduate chemical engineering material. Therefore, prior to entering the graduate program students from other majors are required to complete undergraduate coursework or online bridge programs. The department does not provide any financial assistance for undergraduate courses or bridge programs. The exact courses required are determined on a case by case basis. A typical example is given below. Prerequisites for graduate work undergraduate course should include general science and math courses including chemistry, physics, biology, computer science are assumed.
Typical Plan of Study
- CHEN 2100/2101 Principles of Chemical Engineering and Lab
- CHEN 2110 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
- CHEN 2610 Transport I – Fluids and Fluid/Solids
- CHEN 3370 Phase & Reaction Equilibria
- CHEN 3620 Transport II – Heat and Mass Transport
- CHEN 3700 Chemical Reaction Engineering
- CHEN 3650 Analysis
- CHEN 3660 ChE Separations
- MATH 2630 Multivariate Calculus
- MATH 2650 Linear Diff Equations