AUERI Membership Benefits:

Industry, government, and federal agencies are invited to join AUERI (National Science Foundation IUCRC).  All members are required to sign AUERI Membership Agreement.  Institute membership options and benefits are listed below.  For more information, please contact

Members gain access to the following:

  1. Knowledge Base and Software
    1. Access to current and past review proceedings.
    2. Access to accelerated test databases.
    3. Access to online software.
  2. Fundamental Research
  3. Immediate access to AUERI research projects
  4. Influence current and future AUERI research thrusts
  5. Partner with other AUERI consortium members on institute research programs. 
  6. Immediate access to AUERI inventions
  7. Laboratory and Teams
    1. Interaction with student-faculty teams regarding on-going research
    2. Equipment and laboratories for running tests related to sponsored projects.
  8. Education
    1. Free attendance to AUERI reviews. 
    2. Discounts on AUERI courses and workshops

 AUERI Membership Options

Full-members are core participants in AUERI. They receive access to all research results and resources of the institute, and plan and approve all member sponsored research in the institute.

  1. Annual membership fee is $75,000.
  2. Payments can be made annually, semi-annually, or quarterly
  3. Parent company membership – all company sites with the same name as the parent company are included and can participate.
  4. Participation in all institute projects
  5. Attendance at the semi-annual reviews of all institute projects.
  6. Access to all AUERI information, software and activities
  7. Representation on the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB)
  8. Increased financial participation above normal membership fee is available to full member companies by purchasing separate affiliate memberships. 
Affiliate Membership
Affiliate members are companies that bring new projects to AUERI or current full members that want to add tasks to the current AUERI project. They receive access to research results on only the project that they fund. Research results from projects sponsored by affiliate members are available to all AUERI full-members.
  1. Annual membership fee is $50,000 and above.
  2. Membership requires a 1-year commitment, with no-cancellation options. Payments are made in advance of performing the research.
  3. Membership is restricted to single company site.
  4. Participation in single one-year project with scope defined jointly by company and AU faculty. Results of the project will be available to all AUERI full-members. However, all proprietary intellectual property brought to the institute by the company will not be shared with other AUERI members.
  5. Limited use of AUERI facilities and staff.
  6. Affiliate members cannot attend semi-annual AUERI project reviews. Can attend meetings on single AUERI project covered by affiliate membership.
  7. Information access is limited to single project covered by affiliate membership.
  8. No representation on the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB)
Associate Membership
Associate Members are companies interested in only one of the ongoing AUERI projects. They receive only limited access to AUERI research results.
  1. Annual membership Fee is $37,500
  2. One year commitment, with no cancellation options
  3. Non membership agreement required. University invoices company for membership after receipt of purchase order, or letter from Company indicating desire for associate membership. Membership begins when payment of annual fee is received. Payments must be made in advance of revealing research results.
  4. Single company site membership
  5. Participation in single ONGOING institute project. All proprietary intellectual property brought into the institute by the company will not be shared with other AUERI members.
  6. Limited use of AUERI Facilities and Staff.
  1. Cannot attend semi-annual AUERI project progress reviews of all Institute projects. Can attend annual meetings on a single AUERI project covered by associate membership.
  2. Access to AUERI information on a single project covered by the associate membership
  3. No representation on the industry advisory board (IAB).


Auburn University Commitment

Auburn University supports Auburn University Electronics Packaging Research Institute by charging a reduced overhead of 10% on all membership fees.