2018 Graduate Engineering Showcase
Jafar Orangi - 1st Place, Overall Poster Presentations
Armin VahidMohammadi - Materials Engineering Departmental Award
- Flexible 2D MXene/Polyaniline Electrodes for Ultrafast Supercapacitors
Materials Engineering 2018 Student Awards
Eunji Lee – AU Materials Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student
The award for outstanding graduate student honors a deserving member of the MATL graduate students, who has showcased excellent overall performance in Materials Engineering at Auburn University.
Hossein Talebinezhad – AU Materials Engineering Graduate Student Service Award
The award for graduate student service honors a MATL graduate student who demonstrates excellence in service internally or externally to Materials Engineering at Auburn University.
Andrew Tormanen – AU Materials Engineering Outstanding Undergraduate Student
The award for outstanding undergraduate student honors a deserving member of the MATL undergraduate students, who has showcased excellent overall performance in Materials Engineering at Auburn University.
Helen Steeve – AU Materials Engineering Undergraduate Student Service Award
The award for undergraduate student service honors a MATL undergraduate student who demonstrates excellence in service internally or externally to Materials Engineering at Auburn University.
Anne Custodio – Warten A. Jemian Founder’s Award
The award honors the most promising junior MATL undergraduate student in Materials Engineering at Auburn University.
Samuel Ginn College of Engineering Spring 2018 Awards
Tommy Britt – Outstanding Student Award
Undergraduate materials student Tommy Britt won the 2018 Outstanding Student Award from materials engineering for his demonstrated excellence in the classroom.
Tommy Britt – Samuel Ginn Outstanding Student Award
Undergraduate materials student Tommy Britt also won the 2018 Samuel Ginn Outstanding Student Award from the College of Engineering.
Eunji Lee – 100+ Women Strong Graduate Student Fellowship
Graduate materials student Eunji Lee was awarded the 2018 100+ Women Strong Graduate Student Fellowship.
Dr. Tony Overfelt – Outstanding Faculty Award
Each year, College of Engineering students are given the chance to select an outstanding faculty member in their program. Materials engineering professor Dr. Tony Overfelt won the 2018 Outstanding Faculty Award for materials engineering for his talent and dedication to the mission of the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering.
Nancy Weili Yu – Outstanding Alumni Award
Nancy Weili Yu won the 2018 Outstanding Alumni Award for materials engineering for her work with Proctor and Gamble and through ASM International.
Dr. Nancy Weili Yu was hired at Gillette, now Proctor & Gamble, as a blade component engineer after completing her degree in materials engineering at Auburn. In the next few years, Dr. Yu became an industry leader, patenting new blades and technologies that launched several successful products. Dr. Yu now guides the development of transformational Materials and Blade technology for all of Proctor and Gambles’ blades and razors. Passionate about education, Dr. Yu co-founded the Blades & Razor Technical University providing company-wide global education and training program.
For over a decade, Dr. Yu has been one of the key professionals shaping the Boston Chapter of the ASM International society. She served as Chapter Chair from 2006-2007, developing and implementing a Ten Year Strategic Plan that continues to guide the organization. The Chapter funds and organizes an annual Materials Day Camp to provide high school students with hands-on exposure to materials engineering.