College of EngineeringDepartment of Materials EngineeringAcademicsAbout Materials Engineering

There are currently three graduate programs offered for materials engineering, with two masters programs and one doctoral program.
Master of Science (M.S.)
The Master of Science curriculum is offered to those who seek advanced knowledge in materials science or engineering for a career in research or other professional practice. The core program consists of 30 credit hours that expose students to materials topics such as mechanical properties, materials characterization, materials structure, materials thermodynamics, kinetics, and electrical, optical and magnetic properties of materials. A thesis is a required component of the graduate program.
Master of Materials Engineering (M.Mtl.E.) (non-thesis)
The M.Mtl.E. offers an online learning option to those who expect to enter the engineering profession at an advanced level or are practicing engineers aiming to gain additional knowledge in the field of materials. The requirements for the degree are 33 credit hours including a final engineering project, report, and presentation. The topic of the project will be agreed upon by the student and the advisory committee.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Doctoral candidates are required to pass a qualifying examination with a greater proficiency than master’s students prior to taking the comprehensive examinations. The program is arranged on an individual basis with the student’s advisory committee and usually consists of at least 60 credit hours. A Ph.D. student's schedule usually consists of at least one academic year of coursework and one year of research beyond the master's level. Students admitted to the doctoral program are required to take the general comprehensive examination based on a research proposal developed by the student within two years after entering the program.