export PATH=$PATH:/export/apps/starccm/starccm+5.04.008/star/bin
export CDLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1999@perseus.eng.auburn.edu
starccm+ &
or execute the script file run_star.sh like “./run_star.sh &”
#! /bin/bash
#name the program
#PBS -N testing_starccm
#following 2 line ensures you'll be notified by email when the job is done
#replace <..> and write your au user id
#PBS -M <au_user_id>@auburn.edu
#PBS -m e
#your current directory path that can be obtained by "pwd"
#PBS -d /home/au_user_id/star_test/
#asking for 4 nodes, 10 proc each, 40 proc as total for 50 hrs
#PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=10,walltime=50:00:00
#your default output/error file name
#PBS -o default_out
#PBS -e default_error
#do not change this, setting paths and license
export PATH=$PATH:/export/apps/starccm/starccm+5.04.008/star/bin
export CDLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1999@perseus.eng.auburn.edu
#generating mpd_nodes that contains host name and proc list
`sort $PBS_NODEFILE > mpd_nodes`
#assigning variable proc to number of processor counted from mpd_nodes
proc=`cat mpd_nodes | wc -l`
#initial timestamp
date > <yout_output_filename>
#replace <..> and write your output file name
#replace <souce....> with you source file name
starccm+ -batch -np $proc -mppflags "-prot" -machinefile mpd_nodes <source_file.sim> >> <your_output_filename>
#end timestamp
#<..> replace with your output file name
date>> <our_output_filename>
For details please visit the following websites:
Tutorials and user guide are located at following directory in cluster