your script begins here
#name the program, your default output error file are Test_fluent.oJobid
#and Test_fluent.eJobid
#PBS -N Test_fluent
#follwing 2 lines ensures that you'll be notified by email when your job is done
#PBS -m e
#you are asking for 4 node 8 processor each, 32 processor as a total for 50hrs
#after 50 hours your job will be killed
#PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=8,walltime=50:00:00
#your directory path can be obtained by pwd
#PBS -d /home/your_dirctory_path/
#loading variables do not change this
export PATH=/export/apps/ansys_inc/v130/fluent/bin:$PATH
export FLUENT_ARCH=lnamd64
export NO_LOCAL=1
#writing mpd_nodes to boot mpd in these nodes and conf_file to select processors
`sort -u $PBS_NODEFILE > mpd_nodes`
#assignin nhosts variable to number of nodes
nhosts=`cat mpd_nodes | wc -l`
#generating conf_file to select processors
`sort $PBS_NODEFILE > conf_file`
proc=`cat conf_file | wc -l`
#printing initial timestamp
date > fluent.out
#printing which host performed computation
/bin/hostname >> fluent.out
#booting mpd on the selected nodes
#mpdboot -n $nhosts -v -f mpd_nodes
#if you want to use intel as communication port the use -mpi=intel, also uncomment mpdboot and mpdallexit, by default you can use hp and leave it unchanged
#executing fluent with 64 processor providing mpich communication connector
#and conf_file as config file and i=source_file >> writing_to_output_file
fluent 3ddp -g -t$proc -mpi=hp -cnf=conf_file -i fluent.jou >> fluent.out
#end time stamp
date >> fluent.out
#stop mpd
end of your script
Running two or more fluent job simultaneously (if you are using -mpi=intel):
`sort -u $PBS_NODEFILE > mpd_nodes`
nhosts=`cat mpd_nodes | wc -l`
mpdboot -n $nhosts -v -f mpd_nodes
ssh compute-1
mpdboot -n 4 -v -f mpd_nodes
For details you may want to visit\
FIT websit