College of Engineering / Sites / Center for Occupational Safety, Ergonomics, and Injury Prevention / Curriculum


The Auburn University Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) offers four graduate degrees for students interested in Occupational Safety, Ergonomics and Occupational Injury Prevention.

  • MISE Master of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Non-thesis professional degree, 31 Graduate Credit Hours

  • MS Master of Science 

Research thesis, 31 Graduate Credit Hours

  • MEM Master of Engineering Management, Occupational Safety and Ergonomics Option

30 Graduate Credit Hours, Click here for detailed information about this degree program.

  • PhD Doctor of Philosophy

Dissertation, 60 Graduate Credit Hours



  • Safety and Ergonomics core (12 hours)
  • Research And Thesis (4 hours, MS only)
  • Research And Dissertation (12 hours, PhD only)
  • Interdisciplinary Forum & Practicum
  • Seminar (1 hour)

For each degree option, some courses may be exempted depending on student background and experience. The major professor works with the student to develop an individualized plan of study that will support the student's career aspirations.

MEM students with an OS&E option, take five core (required) courses plus 5 additional courses.  Click here for detailed information about this degree program.

PhD students with an OS&E focus must also complete advanced courses in safety (INSY 8010), ergonomics (INSY 8060), and research methods (INSY 8970). PhD students with an OIP focus will take advanced courses in epidemiology and public health as prescribed by their graduate committee.

Students who receive financial support from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) under the current grant are also required to register for at least two semesters of OSE/IP Forum (INSY 7190-7490) in order to provide for interdisciplinary seminars, field projects and clinical rotations.

All courses are available on campus and online.

Note: Online courses will end with a (6), eg. Ergo I 7066