Information for Attendees

Please note that that Atlanta is on Eastern time, while NCAT is on Central time. This means that if you leave NCAT at:

Noon Central time, you will arrive in Atlanta at 3 pm Eastern time; or 5:00 pm Central time, you will arrive in Atlanta at 8 pm Eastern time.

Therefore, make your return flight no earlier than 4 hours after you plan to leave Auburn, so you don't have to miss any of the class!


  • - Atlanta (1 hr 45 minutes away, in Eastern time zone) - usually best to fly into
  • - Birmingham, AL (2.5 hours away, in Central time zone) - sometimes less expensive than Atlanta
  • - Columbus, GA (1 hour away, in Eastern time zone) - smaller airport, usually make connection in Atlanta first
  • - Montgomery, AL (1 hour away, in Central time zone) - smaller airport, usually make connection in Birmingham first


  • - There is no public transportation in Auburn to our building