About NCAT

Welcome to the National Center for Asphalt Technology

The National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) was established in 1986 as a partnership between Auburn University and the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) Research and Education Foundation to provide practical research and development to meet the needs of maintaining America's highway infrastructure. NCAT was created to ensure this industry's ability to provide pavements that are durable, sustainable, quiet, safe, and economical.

Our Mission

To provide innovative, relevant, and implementable research, technology development, and education that advances safe, durable, and sustainable asphalt pavements.

Our Vision

NCAT will maintain its prominence as a world leader in asphalt pavement technology. Central to all its functions will be NCAT's historic partnerships with NAPA, state transportation departments, the FHWA, and all stakeholders involved in the asphalt pavement industry. NCAT will continue to be recognized for the quality of its research, training, education, and technology transfer. NCAT will ensure the quality of its programs through a careful focus of its resources with emphasis on areas of national and economic need.

Our Core Values

  • SAFETY: Provide for the well-being of team members and visitors by ensuring a culture of safety consciousness through our attitude and actions.

    FAMILY: Create an environment where all employees feel welcomed into an NCAT family that respects our differences and works together to accomplish the task at hand, ensuring members have full support while recognizing the importance of their home families.

    INTEGRITY: Conduct ourselves with honesty and fairness, acting without bias, cutting corners, or compromising the truth.

    RESEARCH: Conduct and pursue deployable and valuable research and technical services that drive positive change for agencies, foster industry innovation, and improve the public’s traveling experience.