College of Engineering / Research / Centers / Alabama Center for Paper and Bioresource Engineering / _old / Scholarship Program / Want A Job?
Want A Job?
The Auburn Pulp and Paper Foundation would like to help you make that dream come true. They are the companies that will be looking to hire you when you graduate. By participating in the co-op program while you are a scholarship recipient you will be readily visible to them. We at the Alabama Center for Paper and Bioresource Engineering also have some tools to help you in your search. Each year you will be given a resume to fill out. This resume is used to put together our student scholarship profiles booklet. It contains a picture and profile of every scholarship student we have in pulp, paper and bio-resource. These are mailed out to pulp, paper & bio-resource companies all over the United States. To help you have success in finding a job we need you to:
- have a photo made as soon as possible after getting on scholarship (make an appointment at photo services here on campus - we will pay for photo).
- update your resume each year