1. When does registration open?

Registration for E-Day 2025 will open December 2, 2024. All individual and group participants must be pre-registered to attend E-Day. Registration will close on February 21, 2025 at 8:00 CST or until maximum capacity has been reached. See Question 2 for capacity information. 

2. Will registration be limited?

Due to the growing number of attendees for our in-person E-Day, we will be limiting the number of participants who can attend. Please see Question 16 if you are unable to register to attend because capacity has been reached. 

3. Why didn’t I receive my confirmation email?

Sometimes the form will come through to your junk mail. First, please check your junk folder to make sure it was not accidentally placed in that folder. Then check to make sure you entered the correct email in your registration form. If you still can’t find your registration email, please contact the Auburn Engineering Day staff at eday@auburn.edu. We will be happy to assist you!

4. Can I participate in E-Day with my student? Do I need to register in order to participate?

All participants are required to attend with at least one parent or guardian. We would love for you to participate together and learn more about the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering. Please register participating students and parent who will be attending when you register. Only student and 2 additional guests. Registration only requires one emergency contact information. You can register your student here: E-Day Registration

5. I have multiple students attending E-Day. Should I register them individually or register them together?

All groups are required to have a chaperone to student ratio of 1:10. All individual registrants are required to attend with a parent or guardian. Students must be accompaned by a parent, legal guardian, or chaperone for all E-Day activities. 

Groups with 10 or fewer students must register each student through the individual registration link. Groups larger than 10 students can register through our group registration link. Due to high demand, our group registration has now closed. 

More information about individual and group registration can be found on the E-Day registration page: E-Day Registration

6. I need to add more students to our group registration, how can I do that?

Unfortunatley, we cannot add students to your registration at this time. For questions regarding your registration please contact us at eday@auburn.edu

7. How will groups receive their packets for the students who are registered?

Every registered group will receive a box with packets for every student and chaperone registered. Each chaperone will have a personalized schedule with their selected students. These packets will include: E-Day backpack, pen, folder, event map, schedule, engineering factsheet, and an attendance verification form.

8. What will I receive at check-in?

After you pre-register online, you will receive an itinerary for E-Day, a backpack, pen, folder, engineering factsheet, personalized schedule of events, event map, and attendance verification form. School groups will receive a box of items to distribute to your students. Teachers will receive schedules for each chaperone for that day.

9. Are there room blocks at certain hotels?

Due to the amount of E-Day participants, we do not have room blocks. Please visit AOTOURISM to see all the accomodations Auburn and Opelika have to offer.

10. I am driving a car, where can I park?

Cars will be parking in the Auburn University hayfield parking lot. After parking all participants will be shuttles by a transit to the drop off location to chek-in for E-Day. Travel and parking directions can be found on our website: E-Day Parking

11. Where can my bus drop off students from my school group?

Buses will park in the green space next to the Auburn University seed processing plant off Donahue Drive. There will be staff directing the bus to the parking location, and all participants will take the Orange Tiger Transit line to the drop-off location listed on the event map. Detailed and printable directions are located on our website:  E-Day Parking

12. Where can I get an attendance verification for my school?

All students who attend the event will receive a packet at check-in. This packet will include an attendance verification form to turn into their school. If your student needs a signature for an already existing form, please find a staff member wearing an orange shirt at check-in, and we will provide you with a signature.

13. Will breakfast, lunch, or waters be provided?

Breakfast and lunch will not be provided for participants. However, all on-campus dining options can be found on our E-Day website at:  Campus Dining

All engineering facilities have water bottle refill stations. We encourage students and guests to bring a refillable water bottle to the event.

14. If we arrive late can we still participate?

All registered participants will receive a personalized schedule at check-in. We recommend to show up to all E-Day activieis on your personalized schedule on time. Department Displays will end at 1:00 PM, and the last tour will depart at 1:30 PM. 

15. How can I request accessibility services?

We ask that you contact our the Auburn Engineering staff at eday@auburn.edu to arrange accommodations. 

16. Where can we cancel registration?

We hate you cannot make our annual E-Day, but we understand things come up! Please sign into your account to on the registration page to cancel:  E-Day Registration

17. Registration is now closed. Can I still attend EDay?

Unfortunatley we cannot accomodate students and school groups who have not pre-registered for the event. Please contact our office to sign up for our mailing lists to receive information for E-Day and other opportunities to visit campus at eday@auburn.edu 

18. I was not able to sign up for the tour I wanted. What should I do?

All departments will have a 1:30pm walk up tour. Pre-registration for the 1:30 tour is not required. 

19. Can I schedule a campus tour?

Campus tours are full. We recommend using the link below to complete the self-guided campus tour: