The Vulcan High Bay Laboratory has a large footprint of 200 ft x 73 ft (14,600 ft2). This includes a 120 ft x 45 ft (5400 ft2) strong floor and a 30 ft tall L-shaped strong wall with orthogonal leg lengths of 19 ft and 31 ft. The strong floor and strong wall have tie-down points on a 2 ft x 2 ft grid over the surface. Contained within the strong floor is a 20 ft deep geotechnical chamber with plan dimensions of 24 ft x 10 ft. This unique laboratory facility generates the ability to test full-scale structural components and systems, large-scale geotechnical testing, and full-scale structural components and systems including the effects of the foundation and the soil. The strong floor and strong wall allow for loading in three orthogonal directions simultaneously on large or small structural components or systems. A modular reaction frame allows for various sizes of specimens as well as multi-axis loading nearly anywhere on the strong floor including the geotechnical chamber. A virtual tour can be found HERE.