College of EngineeringDepartment of Aerospace EngineeringResearchSeminarsEventsDr. Jason R. Mayeur, University of Alabama at Huntsville
Dr. Jason R. Mayeur, University of Alabama at Huntsville
October 16, 2020 |
In this talk, I will present a computational study of microstructure evolution during processing and subsequent mechanical properties of Cu-Nb nanolaminates produced by accumulative roll bonding (ARB). ARB is a severe plastic deformation synthesis technique that leads to unique modes of texture evolution as the layer thickness is reduced into the submicron regime. The characteristics of the deformed microstructures indicate that the unexpected texture evolution is due to a transition from bulk-dominated to interface-dominated plasticity. Thus, understanding the role of material interfaces during plastic deformation is essential for developing process-structure-property maps for this composite material system. In an attempt to sort out the various factors contributing to the transition from bulk-dominated to interface-dominate plasticity, we use both classical and nonlocal mesoscale crystal plasticity finite element
simulations to address different aspects of the mechanical behavior of the Cu-Nb nanolaminates. Our analysis suggests that certain preferred interfaces form during processing that offer favorable combinations of high plastic stability and low interface energy.
Dr. Jason R. Mayeur
He obtained a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Kentucky. After graduate school, he joined Los Alamos National Laboratory as a post-doctoral researcher and was later converted to a staff scientist. Prior to joining UAH, he was working as a Sr. Research Engineer at CFD Research located in Cummings Research Park in Huntsville. His research focuses on the development of advanced constitutive theories in conjunction with multiscale modeling and computational mechanics of materials to study the process-structure-property-performance relationships of engineering materials. Specifically, his research addresses fundamental gaps in the representation of nonlocal defect interactions and interface-driven processes in continuum mesoscale plasticity and damage models. This will increase the efficiency with which next-generation engineering materials are designed and certified.