Graduate student in aerospace given AIAA's Zarem Award for Distiguished Achievement in Aeronautics
Published: Feb 13, 2023 10:00 AM
By Joe McAdory
Rudy Al Ahmar, a graduate student in aerospace engineering, recently received the 2022 Abe M. Zarem Award for Distinguished Achievement in Aeronautics. The award, presented by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), recognizes one graduate student in aeronautics and one in astronautics from all seven regions of the AIAA who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship in their fields.
He was presented with the Zarem Medallion at the AIAA SciTech ’23 Forum on Jan. 24 in National Harbor, Maryland.

Al Ahmar, whose research focuses on thermo-fluid analysis, specifically internal and wall-bounded flows as well as external aerodynamics, was given the award based on his novel reconstruction of the classical cylinder-in-crossflow problem. His paper was voted as the best aeronautics paper of all student conference papers worldwide.
“My research involves analyzing the viscous boundary layers formed over a cylinder in crossflow using recent work by the late Dr. (Li-Jun) Xuan and Dr. (Joseph) Majdalani (Hugh and Loeda Francis Chair of Excellence), through which a 100-year-old paradox in aerodynamics was resolved,” Al Ahmar said. “Their work applied a novel approach to the classical flow over a flat plate and my role was to extend this analysis to the more complicated problem of flow over a cylinder. Our new results match various numerical and experimental results in the literature, thus providing the most accurate analytical predictions for this particular flow configuration.
“It is a great privilege to be selected to receive such a reputable award. Many thanks are owed to my advisor and mentor, Dr. Majdalani, as well as to Dr. Xuan, whose work was vital to my own.”
In addition to pursuing a combined master’s and doctoral degree, Al Ahmar serves as an instructor for the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Auburn University, a graduate research and teaching assistant, an ambassador to the Auburn University Graduate School, and a mentor for outreach programs.
“Auburn University has provided valuable opportunities and vast avenues for networking and exposure that have truly aided in solidifying my position within the aerospace field,” Al Ahmar said of his career potential. “Additionally, Auburn has several exceptionally talented and caring individuals, from professors to peers, who have helped me academically, personally, and professionally. I am beyond grateful and honored to be at and represent this prestigious university that has allowed me to explore and extend the limits of my potential.”
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Rudy Al Ahmar, right, is presented the 2022 Abe M. Zarem Award for Distinguished Achievement in Aeronautics by J.D. McFarlan, vice president and chief engineer at Lockheed Martin.