Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (AU oSTEM)
OSTEM is a national organization dedicated to supporting and empowering LGBTQ+ individuals who work in STEM fields or pursue STEM majors. We help students find academic and professional resources that suit their unique needs, work with faculty in the College of Engineering and COSAM to help them develop inclusive classroom practices, and provide LGBTQ+ students in STEM majors a feeling of community so they know they are not alone. Additionally, we have a strict privacy policy to prevent any members from being outed for their participation.
2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, 6:00-7:00 PM in BK 2117Office Location:
N/AShop Location:
Harbert Engineering Structures LabProjects, outreach, competitions, conferences, etc.:
LGBTQ & A Panel
National Coming Out Day meeting
Atlanta Pride Trip
Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil
Ally workshops
Career/resumeé workshops
Fellowship with other oSTEM chapters
Meetings with representatives from affirming companies
Joint meetings and events with other organizations
Ryan Longrml0035@auburn.edu
E-Council Rep:
Paige Mantapmm0042@auburn.edu
Jeffrey Fergusferguje@auburn.edu
(334) 844-3405
Category: Academic,
Related Major: All Majors