Funding Opportunities

There are several opportunities for students to fund their graduate studies while working on an HRC research project. These include: 1) Graduate Research Assistantships, 2) Graduate Teaching Assistantships, 3) Annual CEE Department Fellowships, 4) Engineering Fellowships, and 5) External Fellowships. Priority is given to students with high academic standing and excellent communication and interpersonal skills,
Many graduate students in Civil and Environmental Engineering program either have a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) or a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA). These are desirable positions as they provide students with a monthly income and automatically qualify students to receive a Graduate Tuition Fellowship that pays resident and non-resident tuition, course fees, and student activity fees for each semester during which the assistantship is held. Note that these require that students pay a graduate student registration fee each semester.
Interested students should contact a faculty member with expertise of interest to you. Students are also encouraged to officially complete the graduate student application process through the Auburn University Graduate School's office. See How to Apply. The Samuel Ginn College of Engineering hosts a graduate student recruiting event early in each Spring Semester, students are encouraged to complete their graduate school application before January 15.