International Graduate Students

The Samuel Ginn College of Engineering welcomes students from all over the globe. Our student body includes students from almost 100 countries, providing our students with opportunities to interact and work with students from many other cultures - a definite plus in today's global economy.

To help prospective international students, we have some volunteer graduate students who might help with applications to Auburn University, accommodation, course work, life in Auburn, etc. You can contact them via e-mail.

Mohammadnaser Ansari


Mohammadnaser came to Auburn in August 2011 after attending the University of Tehran and growing up in the town of Sabzevar near Mashad.  He lives in an apartment solo with an approximately 20 minute walk to the university or five minutes by a free university bus that stops right in front of his apartment.  He can find many of his favorite foods in Auburn, but a trip to Shahrzad in Atlanta about two hours away gives him access to many Iranian foods.  He gets by without a car of his own.  He was really surprised by the smallness of the town of Auburn, but likes that it has a low crime rate.  Contact him by his email

Ashkan Negahban

Ashkan Negahban

Ashkan took the Express 85 Shuttle straight from the Atlanta, Georgia airport (about two hours north east of Auburn, Al) to Auburn only 2 days before the semester started in August 2010.  He missed the university’s orientation but attended the department’s orientation his first week due to the shortened time – not recommended, he says!  After graduating from the University of Tehran, he was admitted directly into the PhD program and already has a faculty advisor.  He has a brother in Denton, TX.  The number of Iranians at Auburn has tripled since he has been here.  Ashkan has friends from Iran, other countries, and the US.  In general, Auburn is a friendly place in his opinion.  He likes trip-hop music like Radiohead and his favorite movie is Pulp Fiction. Contact him by his email

C. W. Perr

C. W. Perr

"I have been at Auburn since August 2010, and have really enjoyed my time here so far. My first degree from Auburn was a Master in Software Engineering that I did through outreach. It was a good way to learn, but I enjoy being able to experience Auburn's culture first hand much more. It is a true experience in itself! I am now pursuing a PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering, and I am also serving as the department's Graduate Student Council Senator. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you might have. I will do my best to help. War Eagle!" Contact him by his email

Last Updated: Sep 15, 2014