• I am transferring from another US institution and have already been cleared medically there.  Do I still have to submit medical forms to Auburn University?
    Yes, you do.

  • I am an outreach student and have a hold on my account because I haven’t submitted my medical forms.  I thought I didn’t have to submit them since I won’t be on campus?
    That is correct – outreach students don’t have to submit medical forms; however, the hold is automatically placed by the system for the medical center, so someone has to manually remove it.  Please contact the graduate outreach office for help with having this hold removed.

  • When is your application deadline?
    We don’t have an application deadline per semester, but in general, international students should have everything in by around May 15 for Fall semester admission and by October 15 for Spring semester admission.  Domestic students should have everything in by around June 15 for Fall semester admission and by November 15 for Spring semester admission.

  • For which semesters do you accept new students?
    We accept new students for Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters, but it is not generally a good idea to start in Summer, as we don’t usually offer many classes during the Summer semester.

  • To what address do I send my transcripts/GRE scores/IELTS or TOEFL scores?
    106B Hargis Hall, Auburn University, AL 36849

  • How does the Outreach Program work?
    Please see the Graduate Outreach Program web site.

  • What documents do I need to send to the department?
    Please don't send any documents to the department.  We don't use Letters of Recommendation to make our admissions decisions.

  • How can I find out the status of my admission application?
    There isn't really a way to find the "status" of your application.  The Admissions Department of the Graduate School will send you an email when they receive documents from you.  The department doesn't know any additional information.  Just make sure that you receive an email confirming receipt of your documents.  If you have questions about your application, please email gradadm@auburn.edu , not the department.  Once all your documents are in, it takes 1-2 months for your application to be evaluated and during that period, you will not hear from us.

  • How do I transfer credit to Auburn from a graduate program in another institution?
    Transfer credit  for graduate students does not work the same as it does in the undergraduate world.  Students do not "transfer" their credit from other institutions and have it placed on their Auburn transcripts.  Only graduate credit taken at Auburn is shown on your graduate transcript.  Courses that you may use to obtain your degree that are taken at other institutions are placed on the student's Plan of Study.  Consult the AU Bulletin for more details.

Last Updated: Sep 17, 2014