2023 in review: Top Auburn Engineering stories of the year
Published: Dec 29, 2023 7:59 AM
By Cassie Montgomery
2023 was an exciting year for the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering. From captivating new research projects and facility announcements, to student, faculty and alumni success stories, below we count down the top five most-popular news stories of the past year:
1969 aerospace engineering graduate Ed Waggoner, deputy associate administrator for programs for NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, participated in a roundtable discussion on sustainable aviation before an event marking the groundbreaking on the new £58 million addition to the University of Cambridge's famed Whittle Laboratory, first public engagement for King Charles following his May 6 coronation. The King spoke one-on-one with Waggoner about NASA's work on disruptive innovation in net zero aviation and energy.
Media Contact: , cmontgomery@auburn.edu, 334.844.3668
Presenting the top five news stories from 2023.