ISE professor edits book showcasing research breakthroughs by women
Published: Jun 9, 2022 4:30 PM
By Carla Nelson
Alice Smith, the Joe W. Forehand/Accenture Distinguished Professor of the Auburn University Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and joint appointment professor of computer science and software engineering, is the editor of a new book which showcases the many diverse research breakthroughs achieved by women-led investigative teams in computational intelligence.
The book, titled “Women in Computational Intelligence: Key Advances and Perspectives on Emerging Topics,” was published by Springer and is part of the series “Women in Engineering and Science.”
Computational intelligence, also referred to as artificial intelligence or computing inspired by natural systems, is multi-disciplinary and embraces contributions by engineers, computer scientists,mathematicians, and social and natural scientists. The field of computational intelligence stretches back to the mid-twentieth century but has seen an explosion of activity over the past s everal decades with the advent of powerful, plentiful and inexpensive computing. It is a rapidly developing science that is applicable to almost any sector including healthcare, education, logistics, transportation, finance and energy.
This book is structured into four main sections: Intelligence, Learning, Modeling, and Optimization. The primary technical methods include artificial neural networks, evolutionary and swarm computation, and fuzzy logic and systems. The wealth of applications can be seen throughout the nineteen chapters within this volume, which include natural language processing, intelligent tutoring, autonomous systems, digital pathology, intrusion detection, and energy management.
The 34 authors of this book are mostly women and represent 13 countries on five continents. A unique part of the book is the biographies of the authors which include information concerning their beginnings and advancement in computational intelligence research. Many biographies also offer advice for those considering this field and its possibilities.
Smith said the biographical chapter on a founding luminary of computing, Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, is especially meaningful to her.
“As a young engineer, I attended a Society of Women Engineers national convention and had the privilege of listening firsthand to Admiral Hopper as she delivered the keynote address,” Smith said. “It is said that we stand on giants’ shoulders – certainly, Grace Hopper is one of those giants.”
Smith hopes this book will inspire future generations of researchers.
“It is hoped that future researchers in computational intelligence can remember the chapters within this volume as inspirations for them to choose this exciting field for their lifework,” she said.

Professor Alice Smith is the editor of a new book which showcases the many diverse research breakthroughs achieved by women-led investigative teams in computational intelligence.