Dr. Jeffrey Lloyd, Army Research Laboratories

Metastructures and Metallurgy — Methods for Dissipating Large-amplitude, Transient Loads
April 29, 2022


In this work models and experiments are used to understand how to design metastructures to mitigate shock waves that occur during impact and blast-loading events. Several candidate metastructures are fabricated and tested via 3D metal printing using time-resolved, subscale experimentation. A novel alternative approach is also presented, whereby metallurgical properties of materials are utilized to manipulate shock waves. The development of this new class of metallurgical metamaterials for high-pressure, transient phenomena appears to address many shortcomings of existing metastructural approaches but is still in its nascent stages of development.


Dr. Jeffrey Lloyd

received his undergraduate and graduate degrees at Georgia Tech in 2008, 2010, and 2014 under the advisement of Dr. David McDowell. During this time he received the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, DOD SMART Fellowship, Georgia Tech Presidentʼs Fellowship, and won a gold medal at the Army Research Lab 2012 graduate student symposium. Since graduating in 2014, Dr. Lloyd has served as a scientist at the Army Research Lab in the Impact Physics and Armor Mechanics branches. His research has focused on building computer models of microscale behavior that are used to engineer new materials and structures for the extreme dynamic loading environments, which occur in Army applications. His models have been used to describe and improve the high-rate properties and performance of magnesium, aluminum, titanium, steel, and high entropy alloys.