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College of EngineeringDepartment of Aerospace EngineeringApplyGraduate Application
Graduate Application
Thank you for considering graduate studies in Auburn University's Department of Aerospace Engineering!
Graduate students in aerospace engineering typically possess a four-year undergraduate degree in aerospace or mechanical engineering. Applicants with degrees in other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines, are also encouraged to apply and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students enrolled in a graduate program may pursue major study under the supervision of faculty in one of the following focus areas.
Note: Students interested in a Ph.D. are not required to obtain a master’s degree first. A student may obtain a master’s degree en route to the Ph.D.
Visit the Graduate School's application instructions page to begin the application process.
Faculty Focus Areas
Fluid Dynamics, Aerodynamics, and Propulsion
Flight Mechanics,
and Design