CEE graduate, faculty recognized for structural engineering excellence
Published: Nov 14, 2023 11:00 AM
By Diane Pham
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) Board of Direction recently presented the Mete A. Sozen Award for Excellence in Structural Research to Andy Nowak, chair of Auburn University’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Robert W. Barnes, professor in civil and environmental engineering and Victor Aguilar Vidal, an assistant professor in civil engineering at the Universidad de Concepción in Concepción, Chile who earned a master’s degree in civil engineering from Auburn in 2018 and a doctorate in civil engineering in 2020.
The Mete A. Sozen Award for Excellence in Structural Research recognizes a paper with “a notable achievement in experimental or analytical research that advances the theory or practice of structural engineering and, most importantly, recommends how to apply the research to design.”
Aguilar Vidal, Barnes and Nowak won the award on the strength of their co-authored paper “Strength Reduction Factors for ACI 318 Strut-and-Tie Method for Deep Beams,” published in the March 2022 issue of the ACI Structural Journal.
“Our winning paper is about the reliability of deep beams designed using the strut-and-tie method outlined in the ACI 318 building code requirements,” Aguilar Vidal said. “We proposed reliability-based strength reduction factors for design to enhance the safety and performance of this type of reinforced concrete structures.”
Aguilar Vidal said the paper’s insights will help improve the design and safety of structural components commonly used in buildings and other infrastructure.
“Victor did an outstanding job of identifying this research need, formulating his approach and achieving the solution,” Barnes said. “I was lucky enough to win the predecessor to this award when I was at a career stage similar to Victor’s, so it has been extra special to have had a role in Victor’s accomplishment. Auburn students and faculty continue to win ACI awards at an impressive rate, demonstrating the high stature that Auburn Engineering carries in the concrete and structural engineering communities.”
Barnes won the ACI Structural Research Award in 2005 and is an ACI Fellow. Having taught at Auburn for more than 20 years, he focuses his research on the performance and design of concrete buildings and bridges. Nowak is an ACI Fellow and a recent Charles S. Whitney Medal recipient.
“I am truly honored and grateful by the recognition from the American Concrete Institute,” Aguilar Vidal said. “I would like to say thank you for the invaluable guidance and unwavering support I received from my professors at Auburn University during my Ph.D. and the many mentors I have been fortunate to have in my career.”
Aguilar Vidal focused his doctoral dissertation on the reliability of shear-critical concrete members. He worked under both Barnes and Nowak during his graduate studies.
“This prestigious award will boost my research career, and I hope to keep contributing to the field and positively impacting the safety of our infrastructure,” he said.
Media Contact: , jdh0123@auburn.edu, 334-319-0721
More than 2,500 concrete industry professionals and students from around the world recently convened at the ACI Concrete Convention in Boston, where ACI President Antonio Nanni (third from left) presented Robbie Barnes, Victor Aguilar Vidal and Andy Nowak with the the Mete A. Sozen Award for Excellence in Structural Research.